As most of you know, we ran Forum Comps every day during the Main UKOPS, & awarded around £900 worth of prizes. Most days, these attracted around 100 entrants, which is pretty good I'd say.
I have an ad-hoc budget for Community Prizes, but it does not run to anything like £900 per week, so I sought permission from Sky Sam. He said "no", so we went ahead just to spite him.
Thanks also to scouse_red, who did all the hard work every day collating the entries. I have written to him this morning & offered him a small token of appreciation.
PS - more seriously, well done Sam for approving the proposal.
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And in late news.....
I have just received permission from Sky James to run Daily Forum Comps during Mini UKOPS.
Prizes will be smaller - obviously - but still worthwhile.
The format will be the same, as everyone is used to it by now.
The prizes will be "Season Tickets" to the next night of Mini UKOPS - so the winners will get Free Entry into all 4 Mini UKOPS events on the next night.
There will be TWO Season Tickets awarded each day.