It's probably just me but i've just counted a record for me at least 23 in a row post flop bad beats ranging from flopping a full house to an ace high, and losing to a miracle runner runner. Less than 1%. To qq against aa and j 6 off (why the call is beyond me) to see the table cards come out j j 6. Before you rant at me about varience I see this happen regulary litarally at least once a day sometimes i see these 1% outers hitting several times in one game I watched a few games where the top hand never won once in the whole game. I undersstand that computer programs can't be random but this software seems to have a ulterior motive. One last hilarious hand yesterday, deep in a competition there are flat calls all round 200 i had AK suited so i shoved with about 3,600, i had 1 caller with about 3,800 average stacks about 4,000. He turned up 3 7 off suit. Flop 3 3 7. I just don't understand anything anymore. So this is my frustration with Sky sorry but I have to get it off my chest otherwise it will send me bonkers.
First: 14/8/2014
Last: 24/11/2016