Right guys and gals BOOKS, i need to take my game to the next level, i feel i'm an ok player now sometimes make silly mistakes when i'm bored and stuff ,but on the whole a break even player, I now want to start earning some money from my play, what books are out there to help me achive this, what do you recomend??
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The former is a really interesting read but of less help if you are a hold'em player; even the updated "Super System 2" has only one chapter on No Limit. The latter is extremely good, will introduce you to C-bets, the concept of M (very useful when you play tourneys with antes) and regarding the texture of flops.
However, everyone has read it! If you put a half-pot c-bet in post-flop, everyone will think you have read Harrington. So be careful! It's quite out of date for the modern players at mid-high stakes but at low stakes will give you an advantage.
A current fave book is "Winning Poker Tournaments one hand at a time" by the internet pros, Rizen, Apestyles and Pearljammer. They are all frequent contributors to the PokerXFactor site and they discuss how to play some interesting hands down the streets.
Talking of PokerXFactor (and I do a lot) you might want to invest in one of the online coaching sites. There are many available - I chose PXF because it deals mainly with tournaments - and Cardrunners is also highly thought of.
Hope that's of some help.
I'm afraid books won't cure that problem, only you can. If you get bored playing poker, you are not concentrating properly, or applying yourself properly.
Welcome to the Sky Poker Forum, too.