I've revisited the thread, & CxE1 & yourfired both made valid & correct entries, so they will each get a Free Seat each to UKOPS 23 @ 7pm this evening.
The prizes incorrectly awarded to RLT16 & kidgirly will STAND, & they will still get the Free Entries.
Put it down to one of those software glitches, & don't tell Plimsoll Sam whatever you do.
I've revisited the thread, & CxE1 & yourfired both made valid & correct entries, so they will each get a Free Seat each to UKOPS 23 @ 7pm this evening.
The prizes incorrectly awarded to RLT16 & kidgirly will STAND, & they will still get the Free Entries.
Put it down to one of those software glitches, & don't tell Plimsoll Sam whatever you do.