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My story



  • hhyftrftdrhhyftrftdr Member Posts: 8,036
    edited January 2017
    There will be a pint with your name on it from me as well :)
  • tomgooduntomgoodun Member Posts: 3,758
    edited January 2017
    In Response to Re: My story:
    Very pleased you can make it to MK Tom. If you look for the fat midget, that's Jac35 and I'm sure he'll buy you a beer ;)
    Posted by hhyftrftdr
    I will be star struck meeting you and others my Good man, so on entering the establishment if I holler " Has anyone seen a fat midget" I will be welcomed with open arms? :) 
  • FlyingDaggFlyingDagg Member Posts: 4,146
    edited January 2017
    The news that you will be at MK has literally made my day.
  • SlipwaterSlipwater Member Posts: 3,704
    edited January 2017
    In Response to Re: My story:
    In Response to Re: My story : I will be star struck meeting you and others my Good man, so on entering the establishment if I holler " Has anyone seen a fat midget" I will be welcomed with open arms? :) 
    Posted by tomgoodun
    I think Malcolm does himself a disservice with that description: the correct term is 'little person'.

    Looking forward to meeting you, Tom.
  • stokefcstokefc Member Posts: 7,928
    edited January 2017
    dont forget your cutting lists Tom when you go to MK incase works phones like :)
  • 67Bhoys67Bhoys Member Posts: 2,553
    edited January 2017
    Hi Tom, glad to hear your making your way to MK, I'm gutted that due to work commitments, I can't make it, it would have been nice to share a pint together.

    I'm sure you'll have a ball.  Good luck surviving the carnage of the Outlaw house party.
  • tomgooduntomgoodun Member Posts: 3,758
    edited January 2017
    Brief update, I am feeling happy-ish for the first time in quite a while, not least helped by the fact my good lady has agreed to me going to MK for the forum get together poker shenanigans, and all the welcoming posts I have received, brings a lump to my throat. The thing is, she knows how I would love to go and she is obviously wanting what's best for me as far as health issues are concerned and also knows I would struggle firstly with the drive as my poor legs and hips are a smidgeon hurty at present, and secondly with the persistant erm  bathroom issues ( I am sure we can stop on the way if needed but sometimes it sort of comes on rather quick)
    The compromise was reached when she suggested I could go if son came as well. he was only too happy to tag along and help with the drive, then my other son said he would come along also-happy days :) I know they have agreed just because I want to go, so all the times I am moaning about the kids have been pretty much wiped out :) they do care about us, they just don't show it as much as we would like but that's life.

    My next hormone injection is booked for May, I have been taking a shedload of tablets, some for the mental sweats I get and seem to have done the trick for during the day, night times are a different matter as I wake up drenched, must have been dreaming of HH in a nurses uniform-thanks Sam :)

    Poker wise, not too bad, won a couple of PL08 tournies for a small sum, every little helps as I have withdrawn enough to pay for the accommodation in MK.

    That's all for now, thanks all for the positive vibes, I am humbled by your kind comments, tc all and good luck.
  • mrsduckmrsduck Member Posts: 1,901
    edited January 2017
    In Response to Re: My story:
    Brief update, I am feeling happy-ish for the first time in quite a while, not least helped by the fact my good lady has agreed to me going to MK for the forum get together poker shenanigans, and all the welcoming posts I have received, brings a lump to my throat. The thing is, she knows how I would love to go and she is obviously wanting what's best for me as far as health issues are concerned and also knows I would struggle firstly with the drive as my poor legs and hips are a smidgeon hurty at present, and secondly with the persistant erm  bathroom issues ( I am sure we can stop on the way if needed but sometimes it sort of comes on rather quick) The compromise was reached when she suggested I could go if son came as well. he was only too happy to tag along and help with the drive, then my other son said he would come along also-happy days :) I know they have agreed just because I want to go, so all the times I am moaning about the kids have been pretty much wiped out :) they do care about us, they just don't show it as much as we would like but that's life. My next hormone injection is booked for May, I have been taking a shedload of tablets, some for the mental sweats I get and seem to have done the trick for during the day, night times are a different matter as I wake up drenched, must have been dreaming of HH in a nurses uniform-thanks Sam :) Poker wise, not too bad, won a couple of PL08 tournies for a small sum, every little helps as I have withdrawn enough to pay for the accommodation in MK. That's all for now, thanks all for the positive vibes, I am humbled by your kind comments, tc all and good luck.
    Posted by tomgoodun
    What a lovely way for you to spend some quality time with your sons! Hope you enjoy it, you can keep Sam and H in check!! :)
  • DonttelmumDonttelmum Member Posts: 1,921
    edited January 2017
    Great news about you and your sons going to MK Tom.  Hope you have a blast.

    Pleased your staying strong.

    Kind reagrds, DTM
  • FLASHJONNYFLASHJONNY Member Posts: 2,537
    edited January 2017
    get the bevvy in pal coz im goin see you there
  • frascatifrascati Member Posts: 76
    edited January 2017
    Hi Tom

    Long time silent reader of you diary looking toward to meeting you in MK
  • dumb_blonddumb_blond Member Posts: 308
    edited January 2017
    I hope everything's going well tom I'm off to Benidorm in the morning for a well earned break take care and look after your self and i'll check in to see how your doing when I get back  good luck at the tables xxx db
  • tomgooduntomgoodun Member Posts: 3,758
    edited January 2017
    Life's great...isn't it..
    There is one particular individual at work who doesn't like me, hey ho we can't get on with everyone right? The problem was I was his boss when I was on the shop floor, anytime I questioned his work or tried to point out certain areas of improvement,I would get a mouthful of abuse,ah well we are all adults and he is known for this behaviour. Indeed on my last radiotherapy appointment I was walking to my wife in the car, stopped to point something out to him and was given another torrent of abuse, needless to say any stress for me at this and any other time during my treatment has a massive effect on me.

    Last Friday I went to try and help a person on the shop floor, they had been given wrong instruction as I later found out by this person who hates me, I said as a matter of courtesy we best check with him as it may be just a case of mis communication.of course I should have known better as I get another tirade of abuse, he then pushed me out of his way,ran up to the md and started shouting in his office.
    Ten minutes later I am called into the md's office,am suspended,pending investigation.last night the police came to my house and issued an harassment order. Life couldn't get any better for me ey. Poker wise,doing ok.
  • 67Bhoys67Bhoys Member Posts: 2,553
    edited January 2017
    Hi Tom,

    sorry to hear your having a torrid time at work mate.  I hope things get resolved in your favour. 

    I hope you aren't getting too stressed about it, because as you probably realise more than anyone, life's too short.

    On the Poker front, it was good to briefly share a table with you in last nights DTD and say Hi, and you have the prospect of the carnage at MK in June to look forward to.  Bummer I won't be their, but I'm sure you, your boys and the Outlaws will have a ball.

    Chin up mate

  • SlipwaterSlipwater Member Posts: 3,704
    edited January 2017
    In Response to Re: My story:
    Life's great...isn't it.. There is one particular individual at work who doesn't like me, hey ho we can't get on with everyone right? The problem was I was his boss when I was on the shop floor, anytime I questioned his work or tried to point out certain areas of improvement,I would get a mouthful of abuse,ah well we are all adults and he is known for this behaviour. Indeed on my last radiotherapy appointment I was walking to my wife in the car, stopped to point something out to him and was given another torrent of abuse, needless to say any stress for me at this and any other time during my treatment has a massive effect on me. Last Friday I went to try and help a person on the shop floor, they had been given wrong instruction as I later found out by this person who hates me, I said as a matter of courtesy we best check with him as it may be just a case of mis communication.of course I should have known better as I get another tirade of abuse, he then pushed me out of his way,ran up to the md and started shouting in his office. Ten minutes later I am called into the md's office,am suspended,pending investigation.last night the police came to my house and issued an harassment order. Life couldn't get any better for me ey. Poker wise,doing ok.
    Posted by tomgoodun
    Only one person, mate? Sounds like Heaven to me!

    To have the police turn upon your doorstep seems like a step too far. We all have folk at like we don't particularly get along with, but sounds like he's crossed the line.

    I will PM you my number. Text me and I can have a price on his head within twenty minutes.
  • samantha25samantha25 Member Posts: 1,445
    edited January 2017
    Ah poop Tom, want me to come down and scary him for ya?

    Chin up mi lovely, you have a lovely family who will be there for you no matter what :)

    And as Craig said..... MK partiessssssssssssssssssss to look forward to :) and I shall personally (instruct slip to) buy you a beer ;)
  • SlipwaterSlipwater Member Posts: 3,704
    edited January 2017
    In Response to Re: My story:
    Ah poop Tom, want me to come down and scary him for ya? Chin up mi lovely, you have a lovely family who will be there for you no matter what :) And as Craig said..... MK partiessssssssssssssssssss to look forward to :)and I shall personally (instruct slip to) buy you a beer ;)
    Posted by samantha25
    As if I would do anything you tell me!

    ...but I will buy Tom a beer.

    Because I want to.
  • EssexphilEssexphil Member Posts: 9,071
    edited January 2017
    Tom-please be careful what you post on here, as you never know if someone (such as this person, or your employer) might be monitoring it.

     I have messaged you in case I can help you. Hope all goes well.

  • FlyingDaggFlyingDagg Member Posts: 4,146
    edited January 2017
    Tom that is shocking. I sincerely hope your ok.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,603
    edited January 2017


    Try & rise above it, Tom. There are some seriously mean people around, who get their kicks from being nasty, but as this thread shows, the good guys are in the vast majority. 

    Anyway, never mind the trivialities, how are you now, how's your health now?

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