How was my poker in 2016
Roller coaster, more down than ups. Learning to continue betting and not to be bullied into folding a hand when I know I've got the best hand. I play better when I feel a bit fired up. Became more aggressive with my play and reached a few ft's in the small mtts. Getting to understand position a bit better now, still not 100% certain but am getting there slowly. Still in disbelief that i've been joined nearly 2 years in April. Seems like a lifetime ago. Always railing our Rose to binks and getting to know more players on the tables. Maybe this year I will start applying the knowledge I've gained watching the likes of Matt B, Devil, FG, Rose, G, dogbloke and others, too many to mention to improve my poker.
Worst poker moment in 2016
There's been so many but I forget. I even forget the cards from the hand i've just played, memory like a goldfish. Bad beats etc doesn't matter forgotten about and moved on. Now brun has bought back a memory that was pretty bad. Coming back to the Final table only to find that I had no chips and that they guy to the right of me had picked up mine. It got sorted eventually and he got paid back cos he went out before me.
Best poker moment of 2016
Being Captain for the North in the Ryder Cup both times. My side may not have won but we had a really great time playing and lots of fun and banter. Yesterday could have been a total car crash but it wasn't. The players communicated brilliantly and it went off relatively smoothly, albeit 2 of them thinking they had played one another and they hadn't so had to play not at the scheduled time

(shhhh don't tell G lol) Then monkeyglb posting a wrong score bringing me to despair thinking the south were out and out winners. Turned out it was 5 - 5 and all to play for. The last 3 games were amazing and the score doesn't really explain how close the matches really were. It was a true honour to play in memory of Steve Icetiger.
Updated as Brun bought back some funny memories.
Playing in Blackpool live with the TPT lot for Flashjonny's and cashing. Shouting GL Brun and him hitting every time. First time cashing in a live tournament. It was a lot of fun and can't wait to do it again.
Middling, though it finished better than it started
Best poker moment of 2016?
Winning a bracelet?-ok. Being tagged as "an ABC-style geriatric" by Methuselah's older brother?-priceless.
Close 2nd was having been pegged as a Tag Oldie in a Live event, 3-betting with 4 3 suited, and seeing a flop of A 2 5-Mr AA was not happy...
Worst poker moment of 2016?
The bad beat that was Sky poker losing part of what makes it special, namely Sky PokerTV and the UKPC-I really hope that it finds a successor to the latter, and good jobs for all concerned with the former
Best poker moment of 2016?
by a mile
Didn't get to play anywhere near as much as I would have liked to but overall I was pretty happy with 2016 in poker terms.
I hadn't planned to play much in 2016 as I had a lot of work and uni commitments. This changed when I decided to open Sky Poker up one night and found there was a small but thriving OH8 community. I had been an active member and moderator on another poker site's forum for several years until they closed in 2009. I still have a lot of virtual and real life friends from that forum to this day but it definitely left a hole when they closed down! After finding the forum here and receiving such a warm welcome, especially from fellow OH8 junky Tikay, I am hopeful that the forum here can fill any personal void that was left after the sudden closure of the other forum I was active on. It really makes a difference to me personally having the social aspect to the game, it is great to encourage one another, talk hands over and makes long sessions grinding a lot more fun!
Best poker moment of 2016?
Well it really has to be 'Viva Las Vegas"!
I had won packages for live events before so it wasn't really the prize that was special to me but rather what it meant to me personally. I had been over to play in a WSOP event the year before but I was there alone and 3 close family members including my mum had died in the preceding months. I wasn't ready to spend that much time isolated by myself and thus got a bit lost in my thoughts and was pretty downbeat. I was eager to try and win a package to a WSOP event in 2016 and was trying to be a bit more positive. Then on top my father had agreed that if I won a package this year he would come along as my +1 for his first ever poker trip. So I was motivated to win a package not only for myself but so I could get my dad to come along as it had been a very tough period for him losing his wife, mother and father in a matter of months.
I tried qualifying on other sites and just could not get the rub of the green. Time was running out and it was looking like a damp squib. Then came the 'Viva Las Vegas' final qualifier on Sky. I got off to an amazing start and was chip leader for a while. Things got rough though and I went from chipleader to one of the shorter stacks after I lost about 75% of my stack. Luckily, unlike the other qualifiers I had played there was to be a happy ending this time and after what seemed like 17 weeks on the bubble, someone was eliminated on another table and the rest of us had made it!
Worst poker moment of 2016?
Well this one is easy... It is quite hard to forget the feeling you get when you have negotiated 2 long flights, checked into your hotel, dragged your bags up to the room, sit down on the bed to relax and are looking forward to some 'welcome drinks' only to realise that your passport has vanished!
After a lot messing around getting and paying for replacements and cancelling the old passports... the lost passports turned up (that was just always going to happen wasn't it?). It was all good in the end though, everything got sorted and Sky Poker and the fellow players made it a memorable experience for myself and my dad! I didn't cash in the event but there is always next year to try and remedy that :-)
Very Good. Managed to come 18th in MTT profit leaderboard, 24th the year before so happy to see an improvement. Put in a lot more volume online to the detriment of playing live but overall a very satisfying year.
Best poker moment of 2016?
I'm really fortunate there has been a few high points. Results wise, winning the main twice in September to be the months most profitable mtt player was definitely one, along with winning the last ever super roller (so I can always claim to be the reigning roller champ).
Being a member of a Skype group (where we chat, rant and support each other) with some of the nicest guys you could care to meet. We went to the Algarve for a long weekend in November and I can't wait to meet up again.
Having the continued support of my poker widow of a wife, without this the volume and results just would not happen.
Worst poker moment of 2016?
Not playing much live (managed to bank £1800 profit over the year from six outings) but want to play live at least once a month this year.
Having one member of our Skype group missing from the trip to the Algarve, Mr Tomgoodun has been a true inspiration over the last year and he is always the voice of reason in our ramblings. I really want to meet him in real life because he is a good un by name and a good un by nature.
2016 was a very mixed year for me at the tables, i was determined to put alot more volume in and make some decent side income but every time i seemed to crack it, id do something stupid (a quick check of my stats shows one day where i tilted onto high stakes HU game and blew most my BR) and that seemed to be a trend, tilting was definitely a big part of my year and hopefully now that im more aware of if hopefully its something i will learn to control or atleast limit its effects. the year ended on a high with some decent results in the last few months and im seeing alot of improvements in my game. Winning a trip to vegas was great and also taking down my first live tournament win although i hadnt expected live games to last as long as they did and getting home at 5am when i had work at 5:30 certainly took abit of the gloss off it.
Best poker moment of 2016?
Without a doubt a doubt the best indiividual moment was winning the trip to las vegas via one of the second chance freerolls in the viva las vegas promototion. my original plan was to try and win one of the weekly grinds 9id already cleared the playing time with the mrs) but was waiting for later in the promo as i thought id let the big guns get it first. or trying to get through the satelittes and various tournaments but i managed to bink a seat at the first attempt in the first freeroll i couldnt believe my luck. and what a trip it was too, i met some really nice people sky put on a decent event and vegas is a beautiful. hopefully the promo runs again this year and im lucky enough to win another seat.
Worst poker moment of 2016?