In Response to Re: SATURDAY Forum Fun Comp - £110 Bounty Hunter Champion HIGH ROLLER seat to be won : God work Donna, that's what need, & it does help, we've had a few Newbies & strangers today, which is great. Posted by Tikay10
Never thought of myself as a God before Tikay lol. Told them it's 3 numbers and it's free to enter, no brainer really for a couple of clicks they could win a 110 seat for nothing and they've got to be in it to win it. Will keep at it, as I enjoy doing stuff like this as I find it not only a challenge but fun too. Also promoting the forum so hope that the new ones that's posting will browse and see what's happening.
In Response to Re: SATURDAY Forum Fun Comp - £110 Bounty Hunter Champion HIGH ROLLER seat to be won : Never thought of myself as a God before Tikay lol. Told them it's 3 numbers and it's free to enter, no brainer really for a couple of clicks they could win a 110 seat for nothing and they've got to be in it to win it. Will keep at it, as I enjoy doing stuff like this as I find it not only a challenge but fun too. Posted by Darkangel7
Apologies, but I only have 1 "o" on my keyboard, so words like God, bok, lok, dor, fol, son, non, rom, bo, & hula hop are a problem for me.
Rules will be identical, EXCEPT that the prize will be a Free Seat into Sunday's Bounty Hunter High Roller , worth £110 - this one, HERE It has a £15,000 Guarantee today & tomorrow, too, so this is a decent prize for the winner. Duplicates are allowed, but in the event of identical entries, it goes in time order, so the first post with those guesses gets the prize. So no point entering duplicates. Entries close at 7.45 this evening . Any entries timed later than that will be void. If no correct answer, we'll use the Countback system again. If that fails to provide a clear winner, it will be the nearest TOTAL guesses (i.e., add up all three guesses). We are looking for number of Bounties taken TONIGHT (Friday), not the cumulative total for the week. And the questions are...... Posted by Tikay10
Anyway, let's hope we have some more entries son.