Do many people withdraw money from their bankroll often? I understand some may not do and like to build but I was wondering how much and how often other regular players do.
thanks for the replies more so meant how big should my bankroll be i.e i play 5.50/11 BH often but i withdraw often too and leave myself with little in some cases
If you mainly play MTTS then i would say keeping 100 buyins for your most regular stake is best if you dont want to deposit again.. if your dont mind depositing then just keeping 50 buy ins would be fine.
If you mainly play MTTS then i would say keeping 100 buyins for your most regular stake is best if you dont want to deposit again.. if your dont mind depositing then just keeping 50 buy ins would be fine. Posted by jordz16
Ahh, thats the sorta thing i was hoping to get, thanks for the reply and input!
Do many people withdraw money from their bankroll often? I understand some may not do and like to build but I was wondering how much and how often other regular players do. Thanks. Posted by JACOBAAA
hi bud hopefully this is the sort of thing your looking for CLICK HERE