Hi there guys and girls.
Just for future reference, I was wondering whether Sky Poker can be used with multi-tabling software and if so what would you recommend? I mean along the lines of TableNinja etc (although I know that can't be used here but I'm looking for something like that) if it is ok to use that type of software here and any is actually supported by Sky.
Thanks in advance.
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Hi PK,
I have no idea if that is feasible or not, but it certainly won't be "supported by Sky Poker".
I don't even think the T & C's would allow it either, though I'm not 100% sure on that.
The general rule - which as I'm sure many will remind me with a nudge & a wink is very hard to enforce - is that no third party software is permitted, & if used, exposes the player to closure of his/her account & seizure of funds in the account.
Thanks bud, I think that is the correct course of action personally.