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Cha-Cha hand that is bugging me

MrWh1teMrWh1te Member Posts: 963
edited March 2017 in Chat with Channing
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceNChanningSmall blind £0.05£0.05£8.02xBig blind £0.10£0.15£15.17 Your hole cardsQQ   xFold    VillainRaise £0.40£0.55£11.40MrWh1teCall £0.40£0.95£12.91xFold    NChanningFold    xFold    Flop  7J8   VillainBet £0.71£1.66£10.69MrWh1teRaise £1.42£3.08£11.49VillainAll-in £10.69£13.77£0.00MrWh1teFold    VillainMuck    VillainWin £3.50 £3.50VillainReturn £9.98£0.29£13.48


  • MrWh1teMrWh1te Member Posts: 963
    edited February 2017
    At the time I though fold was good, now I am not so sure and it is bugging me.

    Good fold/bad fold/would even out?

    Also, preflop should I have raised?  Or is the call to try and trap ok?

    Thanks for the game today, really enjoyed it
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited February 2017
    I'd personally 3bet pre readless, I think you're missing value by not 3betting.

    As played, I think I'd be inclined to just flat the flop but if you do raise... 

    1) I'd raise bigger, I hate the 'click it back' (not just yours, I mean the move in general) and 
    2) I'd be raising with the intention of calling off a jam. So many TP hands, FDs, pr + gutshot etc type hands that will probably jam on us as played
  • stokefcstokefc Member Posts: 7,923
    edited February 2017
    3 bet pre re-raise jam on the flop to give villan the decision that is what i would do , is this the right or wrong move?
  • NChanningNChanning Member Posts: 871
    edited March 2017

     The first thing to say is that the stack sizes are getting to the stage where they are tricky but they aren't there yet. If you get a really big hand like 1010, JJ,QQ,KK,AK, AQ you are obviously happier than if you get 93 off but you need to ask yourself immediately..."How happy would I be getting all the money in pre versus this guy?" With120 big blind effective, (you have £12 which is the shorter and so the "effective stack"), you certainly wouldn't be able to get all-in with AQ, 1010 or AK and be sure that you are winning. I think with JJ if you got it all-in you'd be worried and with QQ it isn't certain bt you could easily be up against JJ or AK.

     The reason I say that is that with a big hand like any of those I judge whether to 3-bet, 4-bet or to call a 4-bet against the chances of getting it all-in with the best hand. If we both had £20 here I would not want us to go all-in pre for so many bbs as he would have KK or AA on too many of the times we did. We do have a big hand though so my plan is to 3-bet 100% of the time for value as we have a very good hand and we want to play bigger pots with our better hands and if we are playing a pot where we are both deep-stacked like here we want to get more money in the middle. If the villain 4-bets I would raise again with around 80 or less bbs and just call with your stack.

     On the flop there would be about £2.50 in there now and when he bets £2 I would raise all-in knowing that I'll get a call from any jack hands, 1010 and 99 and that AK or AQ will probably fold and I'll pic it up.

     Given the way you played it I would have folded sometimes and called sometimes and it's very hard to know from the information we have which is right. I think I'd have called although I'd have had a bad feeling about it.

     Interesting hand, sorry I took so long to reply. I'm playing Challenge Channing tonight at 5pm if anyone wants to join me.
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