Could be anything... Taking breaks, bankroll management, game selection, learning the maths behind the game, playing at better times of the day, eating habits etc etc.
If you cannot see any faults in your overall game then it will obviously be pretty hard to improve, I mean what are you going to 'fix' if you can't see anything wrong?
A recurring theme for me that I would like to improve upon is patience, however, the one thing I would choose at the moment to work on is adjusting to the new ranges when I get moved tables.
I find I can be playing a few tables and, for example, on 1 of them I have a tight table so am active and stealing etc then I get moved and carry on as before only to find this new table is playing 'No Fold Em' and half my stack is gone.
Be interesting to hear from anyone willing to share. Maybe just considering the aspects of our games we could improve will help highlight leaks in our own minds.
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Beware when you have been moved to another table, even if you have notes on people they will change their play based on the opponents they are up against, relative chip stacks, stage of the tournament etc. You need to get a feel for the table dynamics again, so be careful.
Calling with the small blind because its cheap is a common leak, all of many things can go wrong. The big blind may raise now you have to fold. You end up playing out of position which is never good, and you are playing with a hand you would normally not be holding so are unsure how to play it, you could easily hit a good second best hand as now you could easily be dominated. Save your 1/2 BB and the dangers you are walking into.
Aggressive players do not consider them awkward a nuisance etc. but just another style to be exploited in some way.
My one thing I must stop doing is truly awful, I mentally state their hand and call and lose and I am correct they had what I thought. This is called a curiosity call and is a leak of mine.
Even without any antes on sky, if we are in the small blind we are getting 4.5/1 on our money, so I'm going to be completing almost anything, certainly anything suited or remotely connected.