Thought I'd registered for a micro sat to a main last night, then realised as soon as it started it was a Las Vegas sat. Won that and then the quarter final, maybe it's fate...:P
In Response to Re: Viva Las Vegas 2017 - the journey has begun. : Nice one nick lad, TID Meanwhile come and play some plo8, :-) Posted by ajmilton
Cheers mate hope you're well, as for coming back to plopping, is there any point now super fish TK is playing NLH Sit and Go'S? No value with sharks like you, Eon and Bri :P
The cash and SnG leagues were not updated on Saturday. Would it be possible for them to be updated going into the last day early on Sunday please. I realise my own chances are akin to a sphere of frozen water travelling through the second level of Dante's Inferno, but I think quite a few people would like to know the state of play going for that final push.
The cash and SnG leagues were not updated on Saturday. Would it be possible for them to be updated going into the last day early on Sunday please. I realise my own chances are akin to a sphere of frozen water travelling through the second level of Dante's Inferno, but I think quite a few people would like to know the state of play going for that final push. Thanks. Posted by TommyD
The cash and SnG leagues were not updated on Saturday. Would it be possible for them to be updated going into the last day early on Sunday please. I realise my own chances are akin to a sphere of frozen water travelling through the second level of Dante's Inferno, but I think quite a few people would like to know the state of play going for that final push. Thanks. Posted by TommyD
Hi Mr D,
I became aware of this problem about an hour ago. There was some sort of issue with the data, which reproduced Friday's Table instead of a new Table for Saturday.
The right suits are aware now & on the case, & all being well, it should be sorted on Sunday, hopefully before lunchtime.
In Response to Re: Viva Las Vegas 2017 - the journey has begun. : Hi Mr D, I became aware of this problem about an hour ago. There was some sort of issue with the data, which reproduced Friday's Table instead of a new Table for Saturday. The right suits are aware now & on the case, & all being well, it should be sorted on Sunday, hopefully before lunchtime. Apologies. Posted by Tikay10
No apologies needed, things happen, especially with tech. Was just flagging it up so everyone involved could have a fair shake final day.
Thanks for the message and sorting yesterday's table Mr K.
Morning Tommy, & all those taking part in the Viva Las Vegas Leagues.
As far as I can see, the Saturday Update (up to c-o-p Friday) has now been sorted, albeit rather later than it should have been.
All being well - note the insurance policy in those 3 words, "all being well" - it will be updated again today to reflect the correct standings at close of play Saturday.
For those mildly interested in what a sphere of frozen water travelling through level 2 of Dante's Inferno looks like, here you go; 1 alancarr12 245 2 TommyD 205 3 benc 150 4 FeelGroggy 145 5 Cammykaze 100 5 dialbi4 100 5 duonross 100 Posted by Tikay10
I don't think I need to be backed up by the FBI when I say that I blame Russian interference.
Morning Tommy, & all those taking part in the Viva Las Vegas Leagues. As far as I can see, the Saturday Update (up to c-o-p Friday) has now been sorted, albeit rather later than it should have been. All being well - note the insurance policy in those 3 words, " all being well" - it will be updated again today to reflect the correct standings at close of play Saturday. Apologies for yesterday. Posted by Tikay10
Today's Update - for play up to c-o-p on Saturday 1st - has now been published, HERE
The cash and SnG leagues were not updated on Saturday. Would it be possible for them to be updated going into the last day early on Sunday please. I realise my own chances are akin to a sphere of frozen water travelling through the second level of Dante's Inferno, but I think quite a few people would like to know the state of play going for that final push.
I became aware of this problem about an hour ago. There was some sort of issue with the data, which reproduced Friday's Table instead of a new Table for Saturday.
The right suits are aware now & on the case, & all being well, it should be sorted on Sunday, hopefully before lunchtime.
Thanks for the message and sorting yesterday's table Mr K.
Morning Tommy, & all those taking part in the Viva Las Vegas Leagues.
As far as I can see, the Saturday Update (up to c-o-p Friday) has now been sorted, albeit rather later than it should have been.
All being well - note the insurance policy in those 3 words, "all being well" - it will be updated again today to reflect the correct standings at close of play Saturday.
Apologies for yesterday.
For those mildly interested in what a sphere of frozen water travelling through level 2 of Dante's Inferno looks like, here you go;
Good luck all on the final day
PS - "all being well" got there.
I now read a report that these are incorrect.
"All being well" indeed......