Yup they keep on coming! Another straight flush today, thats 2 royals and a straight flush since friday now. Very unusual I think you will agree, especially as I only had maybe 900 points in the last 2 weeks of play.
thanks m8 thats kind of you. I tried to post a hand history ages ago and it didn't come up right, I'm not very good with computers. I was playng on my ipad for both royal flushes this weekend so i took a screen pic of them, not sure how to get to the forum on the ipad though... Good luck m8 see you in vegas?
Here are the screen shots of 1 royal flush on my ipad and 1 staright flush on my ipad, the other royal this weekend was also with clubs, i didn't screen shot it and i dont know how to find it in my hand history. The chat window says royal flush in clubs but i missed the cards on the board..... I'm a bit slow with technology, but good at getting straight and royal flushes...