I remember Shaun Deeb doing an interview for a P5's podcast while he was playing 17 tables. My game on the other hand goes down the toilet if I am playing 2 or 3 tables and the phone rings...
I do have quite a busy house with my partner, my son, 2 dogs and 2 cats and it feels like an extreme challenge trying to concentrate at times. There always seems to be a phone ringing, dog wanting attention or someone chapping the front door to see if I would like to convert to being a Mormon or join the latest super duper electricity/gas tariff.
I do on occassion lock myself away upstairs in the bedroom and play and generally do a little better (that is the plan for tomorrow nights £4k package final). However if I am playing for 5 or 6 hours it feels a little anti-social and can be boring being locked away in another room so this is not ideal either.
So do distractions bother you? Can you offer any advice on dealing with them?
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I do listen to music sometimes and it definitely can help, good shout on that one
Knew Jimi was bluffing when he said you were on holiday with ur latest squeeze.
wp :-)
Being a poker pro is generally incompatible with people in the real world. A poker pro leads a semi-nocturnal lifestyle, playing evenings/nights and weekends, because that's when most games run. Compare that to people with normal lives - they are at work/school from 9-5, evenings and weekends are for relaxing and socialising.
There's a reason why most pros are young males with no gf and no kids