Hi all - lots of great things on Sky Poker at moment - cant wait for the Vegas events....just a question re the timing of UKOPS though, always seems to fall at Christmas and Easter when there is loads of family stuff going on - sure there is a good reason for this but fior yours truly, especially with my wife's appetite for the game, its always a challenge - this Sunday for example have a house full including mother and sister in law - will be getting those looks as I keep looking at my phone and holding it horizontally is a bit of a giveaway - can you see if UKOPS could fall holidays +/- 1 week going forward?
Hi Guys,
Abraham Lincoln was way ahead of his time when he trotted out that "you can please some of the people some of the time" line, though we can assume that did not go down well as he was then assassinated.
And that's the problem with holding UKOPS at Xmas & Easter every year. Xmas & Easter are two of the busiest periods of the entire year for Online Gaming, especially poker, so that's why UKOPS always falls at those times.
It's noted, of course, that for many people, it's family time & they don't find it convenient to play online.
There is no "one size fits all" answer I'm afraid, though Mini UKOPs must help, presumably?
i guess that christ could have used more foresight and been a little more considerate of poker players wanting to play ukops but he failed miserably when he arranged his birthday and resurrection on key holiday dates.