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Poker Points Suggestions...



  • freechips1freechips1 Member Posts: 861
    edited March 2010
    In Response to Re: Poker Points Suggestions...:
    In Response to Re: Poker Points Suggestions... : Well, a "big up" to whoever is sorting it, which is certainly not me! Anyway, the "48 hour" time-window remains intact - so that means tomorrow. Very probably....;)
    Posted by Tikay10
    let me spend my points.
  • blade900blade900 Member Posts: 83
    edited March 2010
    In Response to Re: Poker Points Suggestions...:
    In Response to Re: Poker Points Suggestions... : Well, a "big up" to whoever is sorting it, which is certainly not me! Anyway, the "48 hour" time-window remains intact - so that means tomorrow. Very probably....;)
    Posted by Tikay10
    cheers to whoevever! and cheers for the reply tikay
  • ACESOVER8sACESOVER8s Member Posts: 1,307
    edited March 2010
    In Response to Re: Poker Points Suggestions...:
    In Response to Re: Poker Points Suggestions... : Well, a "big up" to whoever is sorting it, which is certainly not me! Anyway, the "48 hour" time-window remains intact - so that means tomorrow. Very probably....;)
    Posted by Tikay10

    You've gone and done it now Tikay, putting a time on delivery - You've set yourself up for some stick there when the time passes lol
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,476
    edited March 2010
    In Response to Re: Poker Points Suggestions...:
    In Response to Re: Poker Points Suggestions... : You've gone and done it now Tikay, putting a time on delivery - You've set yourself up for some stick there when the time passes lol
    Posted by ACESOVER8s
    Not wrong! Tactical blunder maybe, but I like to tell it as it is, & that was what I was told. I could even place wagers on who will get on my case about it! The Usual Suspects are pretty predictable.
  • chelschels Member Posts: 149
    edited March 2010
    you must feel let down by sky on this occasion tikay? very sad that they have no cahooney's to come and speak for themselves lol
  • blade900blade900 Member Posts: 83
    edited March 2010
    In Response to Re: Poker Points Suggestions...:
    In Response to Re: Poker Points Suggestions... : Not wrong! Tactical blunder maybe, but I like to tell it as it is, & that was what I was told. I could even place wagers on who will get on my case about it! The Usual Suspects are pretty predictable.
    Posted by Tikay10
    we wont shoot the were nicer than that lol
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,476
    edited March 2010
    In Response to Re: Poker Points Suggestions...:
    you must feel let down by sky on this occasion tikay? very sad that they have no cahooney's to come and speak for themselves lol
    Posted by chels
    Not one bit, & I'm not your regular moany-woany type, because there are often good reasons why things don't happen when expected, as anyone who has run a business knows. There is a whole bunch of stuff going of right now, TP, VLV, TKO, & some other stuff, & the Points thing is all ready to run, the date has not moved at all - it has just not been announced, because some stuff needs to be set up. The planned date has not moved.

    Come & speak for themselves? You misread the position completely. If I were them, I don't think I would! I gave a "I think it will be announced in the next 24 to 48 hours" forecast 2 days ago, no announcement was made, so now folks are getting aggro! It's not "lack of cahooney's, lol" (you & Webby must be like 2 peas in a pod, you both use that trademark "lol"!), it just makes no sense because whatever way they jump, it's lose-lose with some folks.

    I said it, because people asked, & it seemed good manners to respond. Sky-Rich is on holiday, & the officers of the Company don't spend all day perusing the Forum. 

    Anyway, sleep well, & there will be news tomorrow, I hope. maybe. ;)   
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,476
    edited March 2010
    In Response to Re: Poker Points Suggestions...:
    In Response to Re: Poker Points Suggestions... : we wont shoot the were nicer than that lol
    Posted by blade900
    Yup, you are Mr Blade Sir. Glad you are able to keep things in perspective, nobody died, it's just poker. The bizarre thing is that by far the most noise on this Forum is about things like Freerolls, Free Bets, Free Prizes, giveaways, & bonus stuff! We pokerists are a funny lot.

    Let's hope there is some news tomorrow, but either way, life will still be good.

  • chelschels Member Posts: 149
    edited March 2010
    In Response to Re: Poker Points Suggestions...:
    In Response to Re: Poker Points Suggestions... : Not one bit, & I'm not your regular moany-woany type, because there are often good reasons why things don't happen when expected, as anyone who has run a business knows. There is a whole bunch of stuff going of right now, TP, VLV, TKO, & some other stuff, & the Points thing is all ready to run, the date has not moved at all - it has just not been announced, because some stuff needs to be set up. The planned date has not moved. Come & speak for themselves? You misread the position completely. If I were them, I don't think I would! I gave a " I think it will be announced in the next 24 to 48 hours " forecast 2 days ago, no announcement was made, so now folks are getting aggro! It's not " lack of cahooney's, lol " (you & Webby must be like 2 peas in a pod, you both use that trademark "lol"!), it just makes no sense because whatever way they jump, it's lose-lose with some folks. I said it, because people asked, & it seemed good manners to respond. Sky-Rich is on holiday, & the officers of the Company don't spend all day perusing the Forum.  Anyway, sleep well, & there will be news tomorrow, I hope. maybe. ;)     
    Posted by Tikay10

    i wont be posting again, i dont really like the tone of your post tikay

    and as for being like 2 pea's in a pod? nobody is the same tikay, everyone is different

  • blade900blade900 Member Posts: 83
    edited March 2010
    In Response to Re: Poker Points Suggestions...:
    In Response to Re: Poker Points Suggestions... : i wont be posting again, i dont really like the tone of your post tikay and as for being like 2 pea's in a pod? nobody is the same tikay, everyone is different
    Posted by chels
    chels tikay is im sure doing his best in the background,and i hope you will post again..........cos your post are good dood!....ette
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,476
    edited March 2010
    In Response to Re: Poker Points Suggestions...:
    In Response to Re: Poker Points Suggestions... : chels tikay is im sure doing his best in the background,and i hope you will post again..........cos your post are good dood!....ette
    Posted by blade900
    This. All of it.
  • blade900blade900 Member Posts: 83
    edited March 2010
    just to lighten the mood i play poker in the noood,wearing only a pair of green socks and my bike helmet,just something for you all to think about when we play next time!ive bared my soul and also my h*le for the love of poker,have a nice day,thank u drive thru!
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,476
    edited March 2010

    Lol, you are a good guy bladey - I hope you continue to enjoy your poker.
  • blade900blade900 Member Posts: 83
    edited March 2010
    In Response to Re: Poker Points Suggestions...:
    Lol, you are a good guy bladey - I hope you continue to enjoy your poker.
    Posted by Tikay10
    cheers tikay i always enjoy the game,even when i get completly mugged!which is a lot lately!
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,476
    edited March 2010

    I've spoken to Suit-City today.

    Everything remains in place, ready to go, but some of the collateral stuff is still being readied.
    When these things take place, from the outside, it all seems so easy, so simple, but it's very complex in fact, with inter-dependent bits all needing to be in place first, or it does not work. It's like a car, without spark plugs, or indicators, or lights - every bit has it's job to do, & unless everything is in place, it's wrong to press the starter & go.

    It's taken a while to reach this stage, so another day or so will not change much, really. And the planned date for launch remains, as I said yesterday - unmoved, it's exactly "as was", just the announcement is slightly delayed.

    There you go, you know as much as I do now.

    Shoot me if you wish, but be gentle please, do it nice & slowly.
  • ACESOVER8sACESOVER8s Member Posts: 1,307
    edited March 2010
    You can only give what you've got as they say :)
  • chelschels Member Posts: 149
    edited March 2010
    In Response to Re: Poker Points Suggestions...:
    I've spoken to Suit-City today. Everything remains in place, ready to go, but some of the collateral stuff is still being readied. When these things take place, from the outside, it all seems so easy, so simple, but it's very complex in fact, with inter-dependent bits all needing to be in place first, or it does not work. It's like a car, without spark plugs, or indicators, or lights - every bit has it's job to do, & unless everything is in place, it's wrong to press the starter & go. It's taken a while to reach this stage, so another day or so will not change much, really. And the planned date for launch remains, as I said yesterday - unmoved, it's exactly "as was", just the announcement is slightly delayed. There you go, you know as much as I do now. Shoot me if you wish, but be gentle please, do it nice & slowly.
    Posted by Tikay10
    tikay i dont want to be horrible to you but dont you think your bosses should come out and say this? they know by getting you to say it nobody is going to say nothing because everyone loves you,  dissapointed that sky_rich or someone else hasnt commented on this
  • ACESOVER8sACESOVER8s Member Posts: 1,307
    edited March 2010
    Nobodys "got" him to say it Chels, he's just giving the info he is privy to
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,476
    edited March 2010
    In Response to Re: Poker Points Suggestions...:
    In Response to Re: Poker Points Suggestions... : tikay i dont want to be horrible to you but dont you think your bosses should come out and say this? they know by getting you to say it nobody is going to say nothing because everyone loves you,  dissapointed that sky_rich or someone else hasnt commented on this
    Posted by chels
    Well firstly, I'm glad you are Posting again.

    But no, I don't agree - as I stated earlier, Sky-Rich is on holiday this week, & that has been widely disseminated to the Community, as you know. The Officers of the Company don't peruse the Forum, they have jobs to do.

    Again, as I have stated twice now, the date has NOT moved. but some collateral things - Content pages, Landing Pages, all have to be set up, & one or two itsy-bitsy details are not quite finished.

    I will tell you this though. I was advised by wise & sage elders "not to commit, you'll get hung drawn & quartered if any dates move" but I hate to see questions not answered, & I have a little more time to deal with these things than the guys standing in for Sky-Rich. And Sky-Rich would have handled it differently to me, arguably better - he'd have taken a neutral line, "I'll pass it on, guys" sorta thing. And THAT would have been tickity-boo, fair play to him. I chose to be direct, maybe that was wrong, but that's just how I run.

    So no, I don't agree that my "bosses", should have commented, & Sky-Rich cannot, he's on his jollies. And, with hindsight, it would have been better, it now appears, if I had not. But it's given a few folks a bone to chew!

    When we (some others, & myself) launched APAT, ONE thread on ONE Forum ran to 171 pages of vitriol. Today, APAT is an internationally respected body for Amateur players, & still run by those same volunteers who started that thread. So I can handle a bit of flak, worry not.

    Remember, please, the launch date has NOT moved. Not one day. And given how long this matter has been running, why is one or two days a problem? 

    I hope you don't take umbrage again, as you did last time, but I just try to be honest, & polite.

    Meanwhile, a whole raft of stuff is being worked on by the Suits - this, TP, TKOIII, PTP MkII, SPT, TSP (hush, that one's a secret...), a new TV Show, VLV, da de da. A little patience won't go amiss, imo, or as my Dad used to say, "all in good time". I really - & I'm not being rude or obdurate here - can't fathom why this is so important, in the grand scheme of things. Surely we all have better, more important, things to fret about, no? 

    Oh - "everyone loves me"? As if! But Angell adores me, won't have a word said against me, so that's OK.

    If we don't chat again before, have a good weekend.

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,476
    edited March 2010
    In Response to Re: Poker Points Suggestions...:
    In Response to Re: Poker Points Suggestions... : tikay i dont want to be horrible to you but dont you think your bosses should come out and say this? they know by getting you to say it nobody is going to say nothing because everyone loves you,  dissapointed that sky_rich or someone else hasnt commented on this
    Posted by chels
    I missed that - & that is WRONG, & you should not say such things, with respect.

    For the avoidance of doubt, they don't even know I have Posted anything, & they never gave me permission so to do, I did so for the reason I have explained. In fact they'll be quite cross with me if they realised I'd gone "on record" I expect. Write to them & ask them if you wish, I don't tell porkies.

    Which is fine, I'll handle it, but really, you should not throw out these scurrilous & unfounded allegations, it's utterly wrong.
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