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  • goldongoldon Member Posts: 9,287
    If When I've gone ...sob! You're walking down the Street and hear someone (Coughing) ............. It's me saying Hello.
  • goldongoldon Member Posts: 9,287
  • goldongoldon Member Posts: 9,287
    Rebekah Vardy wants threesome .........

  • goldongoldon Member Posts: 9,287
    Poker........... one minute your in.....


  • goldongoldon Member Posts: 9,287
    tomgoodun said:

    Have a great day Don, look after yourself and family.
    Life would be dull if we all agreed on everything 😉

    We agree on a lot more things than you think ....... stay up beat & positive best wishes to you and family from me Annie my boys.
  • goldongoldon Member Posts: 9,287
    Over my years I have supported

    Charities that have fat cat bosses on £250,000 per year wages.

    We are now hearing that

    Do have Leaders and are Funded by donations plus selected few get paid or wages to protest.
    Their agenda is civil disobedience and disruption for Media attention. Not wanting to put the Plant right themselves just make others do it.
    When their spokes person was questioned on LBC she held her own until viewers phone in where she was confronted, she suddenly disappeared.

    Don't do as we do ...... do as we say. When sea side Council asked for volunteers to help clean up the Town & beaches, the people that turned up were all over 50years.

    WHY.........I don't do Serious.
  • goldongoldon Member Posts: 9,287
    Plant a Tree and save the Planet. cough!

    OK Nigel, not new Idea it's been advocated before as I remember after Weather man Mr Fish (no storm coming) wiped out most of the Trees around Britain.

    Our Council responded by planted tree's in our Local Parks.
    This year most were cut down because they were the wrong tree's in the wrong place grew so tall they became danger so when some fell during high winds they had to go.
    Big push to plant trees so not one's to miss opportunity...........
    The Garden Centers sold thousands of small "Leylandii" fast growing cheap trees instead of the regenerative slow growing more expensive version. The result instead of becoming Tree Hedge...
    Like this


    Became this......

    Great really, but all been planted in wrong place.
    You can't just go plant a Tree anywhere, unless it's in your Garden which you become responsible for, you need to get Council permission. When they Granted Developers permission to build flats in the area they agreed to retain the tree's already there. Out of the twenty only three remain. The excuse was they were deceased had to be cut down, funny how houses are where the hundred year old tree's stood So they offered cost for 20 new tree;s for planting else where. Mm! who are we to tell Brazil & the Amazon people to keep your Forests do not not cut tree's down. ! ........ grrrrrrrrrr
  • lucy4lucy4 Member Posts: 8,393
    Exactly,when it comes down to profit versus environment there's only ever gonna be one winner. Yet another case of 'Do as I say,not as I do'.
  • goldongoldon Member Posts: 9,287
    Doing your bit for the Enviornment & Community.

    Think I already posted this somewhere but here it is again.
    While out walking the Dog I usually pick up litter when I see it and put it in the bins.
    I know I could be doing that all day and every day but .......
    No problem till........ someone said, " You're doing someone out of a job." Thinking it was a joke !
    I said, " Making his/her job easier." and Laughed. Blimey! the Language.
    My Dog Ozzie started barking at him because he was shouting being aggressive, now I get from him. " You should control your dog " What! I can't help if he doesn't like you.
    Now I'm a bad owner with uncontrollable Dog. Didn't let it spoil my Day and proud that Ozzie was there to stick up for me. Woof!
    "Memo to myself"
    Don't wise crack with Strangers.!
  • goldongoldon Member Posts: 9,287
    Foolish Showing off or clever Skillful tricks............ everyone it would seem are experts.

  • goldongoldon Member Posts: 9,287
    Harra for Nicky Morgan scrapping BBC license fee ....... took Nigel to sort them out.
  • goldongoldon Member Posts: 9,287
    Boris... Post you new Deal for approval here ...........should go down well.

  • goldongoldon Member Posts: 9,287
    Nigel say's ........ Mrs May's Pig..... New Owner Boris.

    go for Election ditch pig get War Horse

    If you want to win the Battle.
  • goldongoldon Member Posts: 9,287
    Lucky Boy ..... the jury believed him.

    Remember we would meet & greet the girls after school with hug & kiss on the Cheek but at the last second turn our head so they kissed you on the Lips. Good fun as I remember girls giggled then whacked you, so Paul can we still get away with it........... Erm! but that was a stranger. !
  • goldongoldon Member Posts: 9,287
    Can you all look out for Boris in a ditch, if you see him call the undertaker.

    Why am I not surprised that Brexit has become ...........

  • goldongoldon Member Posts: 9,287
    Boris you either pull off the Great Escape ..or.. you get the

  • goldongoldon Member Posts: 9,287
  • goldongoldon Member Posts: 9,287
    PM in contempt of Parliament ....... Parliament in contempt of the people.
    ask the judges to decide, but we didn't elect the Judges.
  • goldongoldon Member Posts: 9,287
    Sibling rivalry, nothing new boys (will ) be boys ........ (harry) up and sort it.
  • goldongoldon Member Posts: 9,287
    Things getting worse since William told Harry. " I'm the King of the Castle." " You're the Dirty Rascal."

    Harry said, " I'm Mums Love Child you were the proper Charlie Mistake."
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