In England (where i lived for my 1st 24 years) i'm Robert, in Northern Ireland / Ireland all Roberts are known as ''Rab'' I'm actually concerned that GELDY is a real name, unless he has been gelded?
In England (where i lived for my 1st 24 years) i'm Robert, in Northern Ireland / Ireland all Roberts are known as ''Rab'' I'm actually concerned that GELDY is a real name, unless he has been gelded? Posted by loonytoons
JACKDAW: darren, but you used to know me as big_lad. I was part of the original gang bluff, ace kicker, arsenal. Blimey the good old days lol Posted by JACKDAW
In Response to Re: Real First Name : I had to google the Emmerdale Character. Uncanny resemblance? (Emmerdale) Grrr link doesnt work with the open bracket. You need to cut and paster the url above or google Paul Lambert Emmerdale to get to the right page. Posted by Phantom66
Elliot as in Ness, the dragon, and of that f*****g stupid alien film by that beardy film cretin which came out when I was in school, much to the delight of all the other pupils.
lol i know that feeling elliot i had many a scrap in school over the silly 'hey mickey your so fine' stupid song. my poor son who we called Blaine and then some numpty wanted to go in a glass box over the thames ruining that for him. Posted by MICKYBLUE
Many years ago I had a business associate (well a married couple) who had their first child and they took AGES trying to decide what to call their first son because they didn't want him to be picked on in school. I kid you not - and I appreciate it sounds so ridiculous no one will believe me, but it's true - after all the thought they put in they finally came up with Richard Edward.
This may fly , it may not. I am going to try compile a list in this opening post of First names . SO i am IRISHROVER Aka Denis You must put forward your name only not others by posting in this thread . NAME LIST Essexphil /> Phil GELDY > Geldy IRISHROVER > Denis (menace ) Itsover4u > Danny Jimb0d1 > Jim ( James ) markycash > Mark ( Marky ) MISTY4ME > Jez ( Jeremy) mumsie > Charlie ( Charles ) Lamberth180 > Paul Largearce > Gary loonytoons > Rab ( Roberth ) Phantom66 > Mark Rainman215 > Mick samantha35 > Samantha stokefc > Sean ( Spartacus ) thisitedu > Donald Tikay > Tony ( Anthony James ) tomgoodun > Tom UrABawBag2 > Michael Weecheez > Harry wynne1938 > Wynne yourfired > Gary ( Brian ) Posted by IRISHROVER
In Response to Re: Real First Name : Hahaha. Many years ago I had a business associate (well a married couple) who had their first child and they took AGES trying to decide what to call their first son because they didn't want him to be picked on in school. I kid you not - and I appreciate it sounds so ridiculous no one will believe me, but it's true - after all the thought they put in they finally came up with Richard Edward. Posted by NoseyBonk
JACKDAW: darren, but you used to know me as big_lad. I was part of the original gang bluff, ace kicker, arsenal. Blimey the good old days lol