Having completely read and digested the aforementioned information i have come to the conclusion my brain hurts and i dont know the answer, the last time this medical condition occurred was following the question "What came first the chicken or the egg?"
In Response to Is Poker Gambling or is it a Game? : It meets the definition of a game 100% so it is first and foremost a game. There is an element of chance in the game so it partially meets the definition of a gamble. It can be argued that it does not meet the first defintion of gambling because it is not a game of chance but it does meet the second definition of gambling because it contains an element of chance within it. Posted by Seagull158
According to UK gaming Law poker IS a game of chance (thus the legal problems and court case of the gutshot club)
So it is gambling and you require a casino license (although all but 1 of the card clubs in the uk don't have one) to operate a card room legaly
Having completely read and digested the aforementioned information i have come to the conclusion my brain hurts and i dont know the answer, the last time this medical condition occurred was following the question "What came first the chicken or the egg?" Posted by -TARAS-
Players who lose more often than they win think it's gambling. Players who win more often than they lose know it's a game of skill. Posted by GaryQQQ
It has Elements of skill with a larger proportion of chance i'm afraid. Skillful players can beat the game in the long run but this is not a game of skill. The Best player in the world playing the game of his life, making every read, laying down at the right time and moving it in when he has his opponent crushed can and often will still lose on that day.
It is gambling as it's an uncertain outcome - it is not the same as roulette or craps but it is not a pure skill based game either
So it is gambling and you require a casino license (although all but 1 of the card clubs in the uk don't have one) to operate a card room legaly
Players who win in the long term know it's a game of skill.
It is gambling as it's an uncertain outcome - it is not the same as roulette or craps but it is not a pure skill based game either