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stokefcstokefc Member Posts: 7,929
edited May 2017 in Poker Chat
been on a heater this week am runnin well above expectation my roll as gone from about £30 to £200 so i,m well chuffed not had 3 figure roll for ages , am glad jacs back and the forum seems to be on the up , thankfully , 
i hate braggin but i won a seat in the WSOP main event semi on sunday theres no way i can go to Vegas i have other commitments "sigh" so what should i do ?
heres a story from the past
its the summer of 1981 i,m a 13 year old kid wearing denims fancy free , across the road from where i live theres a slagg heap where we used to ride our bikes and play all sorts of games , it was our play ground , we all had them
so the powers that be decided to  get rid of said slagg heap so what they did was flatten the heap and any good coal left they would sell and the resy they would dump into pre dug marl holes , well us being kids used to go and see what was happening and it was great to see it dissapearing
so one day abouta dozen of us decided to dig a tunnel in side of one of these marl holes on one sunny sunday afternoon so we started diggin and we must of been about 8 feet in there was a chain of 3 of us and i was at the front when the clay and sand started to come come down i turned then the lights went out and i was completely burried 
still concious but with all the air pushed out of me i could vaugly hear the other kids run off leaving my two brothers there digging franticly our Craig only bein 6 years old  , our wayne i dont know how managed to find my head but he did and i gasped a breath and finally there was a security guard there who jumped down who pulled all the weight off me.
was airlfted to hostpital with a double fracture to the pelvis and internal bleeding , i said to me mum i thought i were a gonner she burst into tears...was lucky that day and puts alot of things into perpective
nn folks 


  • robertodrobertod Member Posts: 152
    edited May 2017
    Wow. A bunch of stupid kids did something stupid. What an incredible story. Have you considered turning this into a novel? You could call it ''The Rotten Mother Diaries''. Boring...
  • aussie09aussie09 Member Posts: 8,033
    edited May 2017

    eloborate brag post that one, stokesy.

    ps. i'm glad you're alive.

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,665
    edited May 2017

    Great post Stokey, & my word, the Forum needs positivity at the moment, even my legendary patience is wearing thin.

    Glad to hear you are running hot, too, you deserve it m8.
  • zoeboo62zoeboo62 Member Posts: 76
    edited May 2017
    puts everything into perspective

  • markycashmarkycash Member Posts: 2,837
    edited May 2017
    In Response to Re: incoming:
    the Forum needs positivity at the moment, even my legendary patience is wearing thin. 
    Posted by Tikay10

    You are welcome

    @Stoke - Glad you are alive and running well :)
  • HENDRIK62HENDRIK62 Member Posts: 3,240
    edited May 2017
    Great post stokey, glad you survived mate, where would we be without a Friday night stoke post ;-)

    My dad lived not far from 3 shale bings (Scots for slagg heap :-)) and he and his brothers used to climb to the top with socks up over their knees and newspapers stuffed down front and back (the very same papers that doubled as shin pads on Saturday mornings) another pair of socks wrapped round their hands, a couple of shirts and sweaters on, then race full pelt to the bottom, shale as you know is sharp like glass....
    My gran described to me the carnage that greeted her after an afternoon at the bings...... socks torn, knees gashed, hands ripped up and faces covered in red dust and blood, massive grins and appetites to match.
  • aussie09aussie09 Member Posts: 8,033
    edited May 2017
    In Response to Re: incoming:
    Great post stokey, glad you survived mate, where would we be without a Friday night stoke post ;-) My dad lived not far from 3 shale bings (Scots for slagg heap :-)) and he and his brothers used to climb to the top with socks up over their knees and newspapers stuffed down front and back (the very same papers that doubled as shin pads on Saturday mornings) another pair of socks wrapped round their hands, a couple of shirts and sweaters on, then race full pelt to the bottom, shale as you know is sharp like glass.... My gran described to me the carnage that greeted her after an afternoon at the bings...... socks torn, knees gashed, hands ripped up and faces covered in red dust and blood, massive grins and appetites to match.
    Posted by HENDRIK62

    luxury.  we had to get up two hours before we went to bed....

  • HENDRIK62HENDRIK62 Member Posts: 3,240
    edited May 2017
    In Response to Re: incoming:
    In Response to Re: incoming : luxury.  we had to get up two hours before we went to bed....  
    Posted by aussie09

    :-) had it easy you did....
  • rainman215rainman215 Member Posts: 1,186
    edited May 2017
    You had a bed, how rich were you. 
  • stokefcstokefc Member Posts: 7,929
    edited May 2017
    thx for the replies folks i normally only get 2 or 3 replies to one of my drunk ramblings so it puts me off doing drunk posts
    love the 4 yorkshiremen sketch them pythons were brilliant 
    thx again
  • IRISHROVERIRISHROVER Member Posts: 7,606
    edited May 2017

    Top man Sean , WD .
  • stokefcstokefc Member Posts: 7,929
    edited May 2017
    Ha just got to the vegas final .. gulp
    you know when i was buried the paramedics said 1 more minute ida been gone now im playing for a WSOP main event seat , what gives eh
  • MICKYBLUEMICKYBLUE Member Posts: 2,035
    edited May 2017
    oh mate i wish you all the best, a drunken stokey on main event final table would be legendary
  • rainman215rainman215 Member Posts: 1,186
    edited May 2017
  • CATCH-22CATCH-22 Member Posts: 270
    edited May 2017
    take it down drunk stokey

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