I am just writing this as someone who reads the bickering that goes on now and again and have seen this on so many forums over the years.
I get that disagreements do happen from time to time. I appreciate we are not all robots, and relatively speaking I don't think any bickering on the forum has been 'all that bad'.
It is undisputable that there has been a reasonable amount of bickering on the forum of late though.
Now it is just my opinion and 'nobody died and made me chief' and as such you can take this with whatever degree of salt you wish. However I would just suggest that people using the forum to bicker like this bare a couple of things in mind.
Sky do not need to have this forum. Plenty sites operate without a forum. If the forum has a lot of negativity and becomes a pain in the backside for Sky to deal with then it only takes one of the suits at Sky Towers to say "you know what, that forum is a needless hassle, should we just close it?". I mean they have been prepared to close the TV channel down and I have seen other forums being closed.
Obviously in that scenario we all lose out and there are no more little forum comps, no people from Sky interacting so directly with us and sorting any problems out, a sense of community is lost, etc etc.
Apart from that, the forum readers who couldn't care less about the disputes end up reading it, it lowers the tone of the forum and dilutes the enjoyment for many which means less people use the forum and it becomes a less viable entity.
Apart from all that there are less things that divides us than we have in common as a community. We are all poker players, we on the whole enjoy talking over poker stuff and having a bit of banter with other players who are battering the tables in search of entertainment while endeavouring to make a few quid.
A lot of people would miss this forum way more than they realise if it were not here.
I was severely P'd off at something a player done to me at the tables the other day but I let it slide and moved on. If you consider some of the horrible things happening in the world, the sad loss of some forum members and the hassles we all have to deal with in life. It should put any trivial disputes firmly into perspective.
Again, feel free to disregard this if you want. Just my personal observations but IMO we have something special here and it would be a shame to lose it.
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The majority of people who have disagreements would get on just fine if they wound up on a live package together. It is easy to not afford people the same leeway when we encounter them online as we would in real life. Pretty sure I will have been guilty of this myself at times.
Just saying therefore that it would be nice if we all cut each other a little more slack at times. Sure even then disagreements will crop up as I mentioned in the OP. We are human at the end of the day.
Right or Wrong is for the majority to decide but peoples views are what they believe and they stand by them.
Said before........ the forum will only close for financial reasons not "Bickering" just like TV.
However, everyone may rest assured on one thing - this forum will never close for financial reasons.
Essentially, it is up to the players, not Sky Poker. If the players use it properly, it will never close.
It's up to the players to make it a successful, thriving, forum, as well as The Business.
Don't get my wrong, I love a good debate. I remember once at college I caused myself and a lecturer to miss our lunch as I got into a debate with them. I think there can be a fine line between debate and bickering though. The bickering doesn't even bother me personally very much to be honest, I just move on and read something else. However loads of comments on the forum recently suggest it does bother a lot of people and then makes them less likely to post on the forum.
Certainly much more good on this forum than bad IMO.
Have nice bank holiday all and good luck for Super Sunday (unless you are in a pot with me). I definitely want to use my one time up for both the VLV sattys on Sunday (does that still count as one time?).
Hope you don't think I am having a pop at you Harry because I am certainly not. Thoroughly enjoying your thread on Vegas, flights and other shenanigans!
I do realise this place is extremely friendly, to put it mildly, compared to some forums out there! I just disagree with your numbers posted but we can disagree on that. I don't want to bring specific examples up because that does make it look like I am having a pop at certain people and that isn't the intention.