Nice one Jimi, I saw the week four league and was dreading you losing out in week five to someone who beats you by one point. Obviously aware of this risk you simply won week five to secure the win and endless bragging rights.
I actually surprised myself looking back, given my usual lack of patience, I can only put it down to the tradition of a chinese takeaway on Friday enabling me to sit out for around 40 minutes....
Paul, have to admit I was very aware of just that scenario, with both Pom and Jeffter sticking around far too long to make it comfortable :-)
Well played Neil, excellent idea to order the takeaway mid game. Which method did you use to eat said culinary delight? Leisurely picking away and savouring every mouthful or shovelling it down cos your blinds were being leisurely taken away?
Sorry to be a pest, I am on holiday with the kids this week and on Friday evening we will be camping in the lake district, is there any chance I could perhaps play next Friday instead?
If this isn't feasible, can you pass the seat onto the 3rd place finisher as I would hate it to be lost.
*just noticed 3rd place is Pom, even when i finish ahead of him he runs golden v me :-)
Hey Trev, Sorry to be a pest, I am on holiday with the kids this week and on Friday evening we will be camping in the lake district, is there any chance I could perhaps play next Friday instead? If this isn't feasible, can you pass the seat onto the 3rd place finisher as I would hate it to be lost. Thanks Neil *just noticed 3rd place is Pom, even when i finish ahead of him he runs golden v me :-) Posted by HENDRIK62
Hi Hendrik.
I will arrange it for the following week m8. enjoy your hols.
In Response to Re: Friday Orfordable league (JUNE Week 5) 2 x £11.00 Bounty Hunter Seats : Hi Hendrik. I will arrange it for the following week m8. enjoy your hols. Posted by POKERTREV
Thank you Trev, really appreciate it.
Holidays are going well, only had two fallouts so far :-)
Very well played.