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C U back on the tables

craigcu12craigcu12 Member Posts: 3,962
edited June 2017 in Poker Chat
The news of no more SPTs had me very disappointed because it came at the very time I was beginning to think of going to one myself. Then came the news of no more TV so I started to switch my cash game play onto 888 poker and build a BR up on that whilst sky would be for the odd MTT. 

The story of SPTs returning has took me by surprise I thought this would never happen especially when they announced the end of sky TV. Now I shall will be playing my best form of poker the cash game on sky and try get myself a very good BR to work my way towards entry into an SPT.

 I don’t expect it to be as easy as it could of been because the local ones could be missedas I have become bared out of the local aspers casino in Newcastle.


  • DonttelmumDonttelmum Member Posts: 1,921
    edited June 2017
    GL Craig.  You could still play at Genting or The Grovenor.

    Why did you get barred?
  • LARSON7LARSON7 Member Posts: 4,495
    edited June 2017
    Hey Craig welcome back!

    Good luck building your bankroll and hope you get to the SPT.

    Also, the venue in Manchester probably isn't an Aspers?

  • craigcu12craigcu12 Member Posts: 3,962
    edited June 2017
    I assume that I was barred for over reacting and scream about myself, what happened was a player was starting to offend me, I threw one of his chips, the manager then came over and requested that I leave before I even had chance to speak, I was so annoyed about it I threw every one of my own chips before kicked off threating myself.

    What really annoyed me was the day as a whole.
    1. first up I do a raise on the turn and this other player goes all in, the dealer then showed a river card. I held a set and lost to a better set should be no problem unless the dealer does the river card assuming from your face that you will call the turn. my arguement was I would have folded because he did play it face up and also thought he was just going all in because his stack was the size of my original bet but his arguement was that I would have called the set and should give him the chips which hadn't yet been put in the middle but should have been having seen the river.

    2.A guy is shouting and swearing at a table and no matter how often we asked the dealer to remove him he was still allowed.

    3A player then bugs me about playing tight and starts agrivating me, I throw a chip and am now requested to leave, I fealt annoyed about this and wanted to speak about it first thinking why should I be told to leave for throwing 1 chip when a guy is allowed to scream and swear alot. this got me so annoyed I over reacted doing what I did.

    I've looked into grovers and genting casino but my mistake at aspers made me realise I should not stay at the casino before 11. thing with genting and grovers is the tables don't start until 5pm andthe stakes are just too big 50p/50p+ it's not worth the risk.

    I won't be able to visit manchester that's for sure, it has come round too quick. I'm a vunerable adult with mental conditions I will need time to sort out something with my social worker and support worker about the trip and maybe even have my support worker with me 
  • DonttelmumDonttelmum Member Posts: 1,921
    edited June 2017
    That doesn't sound to bad.  Don't worry about it.

    Stick to online for awhile (you can't ko anyone with chips there) and see how you feel in a few weeks/months.

    Run well.
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