Playing the £1k freeroll the other night and i had a full house aces and sevens.Quite deep into the tourney,the other guy had a full house sevens and aces,knocked him out,felt sick for the guy.This is first time i've seen a full house get beat.
Playing the £1k freeroll the other night and i had a full house aces and sevens.Quite deep into the tourney,the other guy had a full house sevens and aces,knocked him out,felt sick for the guy.This is first time i've seen a full house get beat. Posted by Kadoom
Saying that got knocked out tonite ace jack fh v my king jack fh,karma
In Response to Sick way to exit : Saying that got knocked out tonite ace jack fh v my king jack fh,karma Posted by Kadoom
They not as rare as they look.
AK v QJ board QQ AA x
66 v A5 5 222 9
Set vs two pair made FH can be expected.
I think the big sickener would be when a set v set has managed to become full house v quads. It's sickening enough when your self has lost to a better set so for that lower set to then get ahead again with quads is seriously sickening. I've player poker for 5 years and them incidients are still in single figures