Day 2C today comprises survivors from Day 1C, which was the huge day when over 4,000 played their Day 1.
Mr Channing returns today, & here's his Table Draw, which FCHD kindly prepared & researched.
I sent it to Neil, & he was very grateful to Barny, as he said it saved him an hour's work.
Neil told me he has played a lot with both Seat 4 & Seat 7. Table Amazon 102
1 Jon Hoellein (USA) 174K. $316K in live earnings but it's taken him 16 years to do that. 176th in 2005 Main, 2 cashes this series including $22K for 29th in the $10K PLO
2 William Steffin (USA) 18K. There are 2 William Steffin's in Hendon Mob and they could well be the same person, with over 50 cashes to his name but only 3 small ones at the WSOP. Mostly plays $200-300 tournaments
3 Jeffrey Cvetezar (USA) 32K. There's only one Jeffrey Cvetezar (sing it with me) and he has only one recorded cash, $16007 for 863 in last year's Main Event.
4 Bernard Lee (USA) 102K. A different kettle of fish altogether. Over 2 million in live cashes dating back the 2005 Main when he finished 13th for $400K. Also cashed in main in 2010 & 2012. Was close to getting his first bracelet a month ago when losing heads-up to Frank Kassela in Event 13 (2-7 lowball draw)
5 Derrick Brown (USA) 41K. 3 live cashes for between $2600 & $3600. Most recent was 7th in a Rio Deepstack at the start of June.
6 Neil Channing (GBR) 15K. Current Sky Poker Ambassador. Future WSOP ME winner.
7 Ryan Hartmann (USA) 72K. Nearly 100 live cashes since 2005 for a total of almost $800K. 3 cashes this WSOP. Biggest cash is $145K at a WPT in 2012, finished third to Noah Schwartz and Byron Kaverman. Never cashed ME.
8 Haresh Jethani (USA) 73K. 1 cash in 2011 WSOP, 2 in 2016 WSOP and 1 so far this year (263rd in the Marathon for $3934). Outside that just one cash, $10K in a WSOP Circuit event 5 years ago, so probably plays very few live MTTs
9 Angie Gelinas (CAN) 178K. Biggest stack at the table, 11 lifetime cashes over 10 years, the biggest being $17K for 578th in the 2015 ME. No other WSOP cashes. FT'd a small ($250) Ladies event at the Orleans a week ago for nearly $3K.
Thanks to ESPN's dictat to WSOP that they want to have TV coverage during prime time on ET (Eastern Time) play does not start today until Noon (8pm UK).
Not sure I think that is a good thing - well I am, it's not - but it is what it is.
Been to see Ambo, he is in good heart & enjoying life.
There was an open UTG from Mr TightMcTight & he folded A-J.
Flop came J high, check check, but a Q on the turn prompted some vigorous action so it looked like a good fold.
The opener looked a good player to me - he was wearing reflective sunglasses. Always a sign of a good player. I passed that pearl of wisdom onto Ambo, but I'm not sure he was buying it.
45 minutes into the 2nd level of the day, & Ambo is like a doldrum marooned in the sea of doldrums, rowing a doldrumy boaty thing named Doldrum McDoldrum Face.
In Response to Re: WSOP Main Event, Day 2C : Thanks Gibbs. I was given a gift by one of our qualifiers yesterday (a friend of many years standing). Cracking read, I'm sure you'd love it. Sam has been very rude about it. Posted by Tikay10
Looks banging. I'm reading a book about Dostoevsky at the moment but this looks like it will provide some light relief. Enjoy.
In Response to Re: WSOP Main Event, Day 2C : Looks banging. I'm reading a book about Dostoevsky at the moment but this looks like it will provide some light relief. Enjoy. Posted by SR23
Good job I got that on Will Kassouf dig in early, as he's busto.
From the WSOP updates:
Cheers and claps erupted from the Miranda room as William Kassouf hit the rail. "Can I get a thank you?!" Dany Georges asked, bowing. "We can all have peace and quiet now!" That's a lot of material I'll have to save for next year now.
WSOP just reporting on a Channing hand, where lost 3100 after his river bet was raised to 10K by Angie Gelinas and our man had to fold. Chip count stated as 15400.
Good job I got that on Will Kassouf dig in early, as he's busto. From the WSOP updates: Cheers and claps erupted from the Miranda room as William Kassouf hit the rail. "Can I get a thank you?!" Dany Georges asked, bowing. "We can all have peace and quiet now!" That's a lot of material I'll have to save for next year now. Posted by FCHD
Yeah thanks for taking out one of the few characters in the game, you can go back now to everyone looking serious and hardly speaking. wp
Day 2C today comprises survivors from Day 1C, which was the huge day when over 4,000 played their Day 1.
Mr Channing returns today, & here's his Table Draw, which FCHD kindly prepared & researched.
I sent it to Neil, & he was very grateful to Barny, as he said it saved him an hour's work.
Neil told me he has played a lot with both Seat 4 & Seat 7.
Table Amazon 102
1 Jon Hoellein (USA) 174K. $316K in live earnings but it's taken him 16 years to do that. 176th in 2005 Main, 2 cashes this series including $22K for 29th in the $10K PLO
2 William Steffin (USA) 18K. There are 2 William Steffin's in Hendon Mob and they could well be the same person, with over 50 cashes to his name but only 3 small ones at the WSOP. Mostly plays $200-300 tournaments
3 Jeffrey Cvetezar (USA) 32K. There's only one Jeffrey Cvetezar (sing it with me) and he has only one recorded cash, $16007 for 863 in last year's Main Event.
4 Bernard Lee (USA) 102K. A different kettle of fish altogether. Over 2 million in live cashes dating back the 2005 Main when he finished 13th for $400K. Also cashed in main in 2010 & 2012. Was close to getting his first bracelet a month ago when losing heads-up to Frank Kassela in Event 13 (2-7 lowball draw)
5 Derrick Brown (USA) 41K. 3 live cashes for between $2600 & $3600. Most recent was 7th in a Rio Deepstack at the start of June.
6 Neil Channing (GBR) 15K. Current Sky Poker Ambassador. Future WSOP ME winner.
7 Ryan Hartmann (USA) 72K. Nearly 100 live cashes since 2005 for a total of almost $800K. 3 cashes this WSOP. Biggest cash is $145K at a WPT in 2012, finished third to Noah Schwartz and Byron Kaverman. Never cashed ME.
8 Haresh Jethani (USA) 73K. 1 cash in 2011 WSOP, 2 in 2016 WSOP and 1 so far this year (263rd in the Marathon for $3934). Outside that just one cash, $10K in a WSOP Circuit event 5 years ago, so probably plays very few live MTTs
9 Angie Gelinas (CAN) 178K. Biggest stack at the table, 11 lifetime cashes over 10 years, the biggest being $17K for 578th in the 2015 ME. No other WSOP cashes. FT'd a small ($250) Ladies event at the Orleans a week ago for nearly $3K.
Thanks to ESPN's dictat to WSOP that they want to have TV coverage during prime time on ET (Eastern Time) play does not start today until Noon (8pm UK).
Not sure I think that is a good thing - well I am, it's not - but it is what it is.
Another Sky Poker player is also through to Day 2C today - Tatopagoa. (sp?).
He has a very comfortable 61,400 chips.
We'll follow him today, too.
GL him.
The rumpy-pumpy WSOP intro music is playing, signalling the speeches and then SU&D, so play is about to start.
Not seen Mr Channing yet.
1.01 he arrived late & breathless, God bless him.
Been to see Ambo, he is in good heart & enjoying life.
There was an open UTG from Mr TightMcTight & he folded A-J.
Flop came J high, check check, but a Q on the turn prompted some vigorous action so it looked like a good fold.
The opener looked a good player to me - he was wearing reflective sunglasses. Always a sign of a good player. I passed that pearl of wisdom onto Ambo, but I'm not sure he was buying it.
Ambo on the tear
From his Twitter;
I now have "so many" chips I can raise without shoving. Had to wonder how much to 3-bet with my Queens. I've also folded AJ twice. 22k now.
1st Break of the day
Level 6 (or Level 1 if you prefer) safely negotiated for Ambo, up to 22,000.
Do we know if Will Kassouf's mouth is random or pre-programmed?
I was given a gift by one of our qualifiers yesterday (a friend of many years standing).
Cracking read, I'm sure you'd love it. Sam has been very rude about it.
45 minutes into the 2nd level of the day, & Ambo is like a doldrum marooned in the sea of doldrums, rowing a doldrumy boaty thing named Doldrum McDoldrum Face.
The Idiot.
From the WSOP updates:
Cheers and claps erupted from the Miranda room as William Kassouf hit the rail. "Can I get a thank you?!" Dany Georges asked, bowing. "We can all have peace and quiet now!" That's a lot of material I'll have to save for next year now.