Nosebleed_ won 3 major tournaments, reaching 6 final tables
► Nosebleed_ is Best Player on Sky Poker over the rolling week ► Haydenx37 is NEW Best Player over rolling month (30 days) ► Nosebleed_ is Player of the Day ► Nosebleed_ is the NEW Best Player this week ► Haydenx37 is the NEW Best Player this month ► Nosebleed_ is now the highest profit taker this week ► Multiple MTTs: Nosebleed_ won 3 ► 5 players win first ever major tournament: ACEMAN88 granitman1 manning09 scottyrobb vickirockx ► Jackpot: 1 near miss ► Final Tables: Nosebleed_ reached 6 ► Heads: tinytellah took 15 in one game ► keczmo is now the top Piranha ► keczmo now has the best Wins % ► DarkNeo1 has finished in Q1, the top quarter, most often ► Overlay: £20 available in 1 MTT ► MTT Strength: 8 soft, 6 ok, 7 hard, 1 OMG
Crikey, well played Nosebleed_.