The £2.20 BH is the worst culprit for none-social, rude and bad mannered players.
The times I have seen arguments go on long after a player has gone out of the tourny.
I actually laugh that a player that has been ejected is calling the remaining player(s) donks and fish and the rest.
But trying to strike up a friendly conversation is nye on impossible.
I don't venture above the £5,50 BH (it's not as bad there) but I wonder if it's like that at higher stakes?
The other day was a classic. It was getting close to the bubble on a very aggresive table.
For the first time I can remember, I flopped a Royal Flush (Hearts)
I hoped the aggressive play would continue and it did.
3 players had caught a piece of the action (i imagine) and were raising and re-raising.
I slow played (what would you do?) and went with each raise.
Of course the river helped them all and there were 'all ins' all round.
My beautiful RF cleared the table (well 3 of em) and mortally wounded 2 others.
Was there any NH in the speech box - er no. Was there any vitriol from the knocked out players - oh yes.
'RF and you check you fish' etc. Sky got a bashing too - rewarding the worst players and such.
£2.20 guys - you'll still manage the rent if you lose.
That's fine. Crush them at the tables and laugh at their comments. If they want to go on tilt..then I would be rude not to help them along ;-)
I definitely see significantly less abuse on Sky than on some other sites.
I would agree that it can be worse on some of the lower buy in tables. Sometimes the folk on the lower tables are more financially challenged and therefore the money means more to them and they can get bent out of shape a bit more easily. There certainly are loads of friendly folk too though.
I would be very surprised if there are many poker sites in existence where the chat doesn't contain comments along the lines of "this is so rigged" and "the site looks after certain people". When people lose consistently at poker there are 2 general conclusions people can come to... (a) Their own game could be better (b) Outside factors are to blame such as the site being rigged.
The players capable of accepting point (a) may refine their game and become a winning player. The players who cannot accept option (a) may blame the site, other players, the colour of their socks or whatever and will find it much harder to improve their game. These will generally be the players venting in chat.
If you are looking to make money then this chat usually provides valuable information. If you are looking to have a good time then block the person from your chat or ignore them.
hi mark, FYP
Thankfully my fragile feelings were not hurt as you explained this was simply a mistake because you are "not an expert with Facebook".
As I have never been anything other than polite to yourself or even posted on your threads recently I am sure this comment is also just a bit of banter. So I will join in the fun and FYP too.
It is a good thing I am not of a paranoid disposition though and can take the comments the way I am sure you intended them to be taken.
Hope everything is going well with the site Rob and GL at the tables.
All the best,
please be totally sure that my comment on your thread the other day was a mistake. it didn't even make sense, whatever it was, as i was adding a post to my thread and added it to yours in error. hence the apology and deletion. i can't even remember your thread. anyway, please no need for paranoia or thoughts of banter, it was neither... just insufficient care before clicking go.
my reference here refers back to your essay posts weeks back which went on and on. and on. i recall your response about your tutor urging you to be more concise.
anyway, listen to me, rambling on.
i just went and found your thread on facebook. in respoonse to my post you answered that you didn't understand. and my subsequent note to explain why it made no sense.
ps. ah, look now, troll#2 is on the thread.
In Response to Re: Some miserable beggars play on here
In Response to Re: Some miserable beggars play on here
troll#1 will find it difficult not to post. we'll see.
Is it not trolling attempting to try to antagonise someone in to posting who hasnt even commented on the thread?