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The person from the Sky forum who has helped your game the most is?

markycashmarkycash Member Posts: 2,837
edited August 2017 in Poker Chat
In the spirit of getting some threads of a more positive nature going on the forum...

From the Sky forum only, which posters have helped develop your game the most? 

Maybe a chance to give props to anyone who has taken some time to try and help you and highlight some of the better outcomes from the forum.

I will start...


  • markycashmarkycash Member Posts: 2,837
    edited August 2017
    In the time I have been an active poster on here I have enjoyed the hand analysis threads a lot and so many players have added positive content.

    If I had to highlight just one then it would be StayorGo...

    The live tournament hand analysis thread that Graham done was very insightful and encouraged so many good contributions and discussion.
  • Phantom66Phantom66 Member Posts: 5,542
    edited August 2017
    In general I would say one of the great opportunities for all is to either post your own hands or comment on others to develop your understanding of the game. 

    But to name just one, that would not be fair.

    Early doors it was F_Ivanovic and Lambert, during hand analysis threads, either my own or understanding why they were advocating different lines to me on other peoples hands.

    More recently I would have to say Jac35 for feedback and discussion on and off the forum.

    For PLO8 - Markycash you have brought a great deal to the forum in discussions on hands/strategy and your own tourney journey thread.

    A great deal more make or have made solid contributions on the forum, but the above is the shortlist who have helped my game the most. 

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,706
    edited August 2017

    Crikey Marky. Good thread but if I were to name one I'd end up in a whole load of trouble.

    Agree as to StayOrGo generally, especially as he does so much charity work.
    For succinct hand analysis, & most importantly, WHY we should play a hand a certain way, my short-list would have to include MattBates & sourdough bread lover Percival09.

    My Flounce Award would go to Jac, for sheer consistency.

    For extremely lengthy replies, Markycash is the clear winner.

  • weecheez1weecheez1 Member Posts: 1,686
    edited August 2017
    When I started playing mumsie and altiltyou were a great help altiltyou for picking a laptop and mumsie just for taking the time to talk and make me feel welcome when I started the plo8 TK was a good help pointing out silly little things like turning on the thing that tells you what your hand is and rapping my knuckles when I played with rags. Also things like the dym challenge's the 1000 game one and the one that started at 30p and see how far you could go up the ladder.All in all its been a blast 
  • HENDRIK62HENDRIK62 Member Posts: 3,240
    edited August 2017
    I had a huge post written, then re read OP and realised Marky meant on forum rather than off.

    Many of my favourite contributors have been mentioned above, there is definitely a 76.25% chance that The Tennis bloke made me smile most, mainly because he was thinking on a completely different level to me......

  • jimb0d1jimb0d1 Member Posts: 660
    edited August 2017
    Gran Torino for no-nonsense hand analysis.

    Johnconnor DYM guide.

    GaryQQQ bankroll rules and tourney tips.
  • glencoeladglencoelad Member Posts: 1,505
    edited August 2017
    Got to say i like most of the posts, the guys like Stay or Go , Matt bates and Marky for hand analisis are V G ,
     Aussie for the details and general info, but as a #1 it would be too difficult to choose.
       TK is great for the posts and updates, especially when its a live event , which brings me to say 
    good luck all that play Manchester, hope to catch up and have a "Live chat " with some of you then.
  • percival09percival09 Member Posts: 3,804
    edited August 2017
    Does anyone remember LOL_RAISE? He helped me a lot in my progression, as did grantorino. They are my picks. I remember when I used to think I was good at the game, those guys would just humble me every time. I still thought I was good though...

    It feels wrong not to mention Tk, Orford, Ed, and all the other Sky analysts, I probably can't appreciate right now the extent to which they aided my game at the beginning. If it wasn't for that channel, and those guys, blimey, I wouldn't even know the hand rankings. They were repeated so often.

    The funny thing is nowadays limping from the SB in both cash and MTTs is a viable strategy; in fact if you want to play optimally at a low raked game NOT limping from the SB is a pure mistake (unless some crazy BB adjustment). There is even a very accomplished high-stakes regular on stars playing a mixed limping & opening strategy from every position, perhaps apart from BTN. He of course has balanced it, tweaked it, perfected it. Why mention? No matter how great it is, I can never play a limped strategy from ANY position for ANY amount of EV because I just have TK's and Orford's voices in my head "limping is the devil", "limping is really really bad", "don't limp, RAISE", "stick money into the pot", "test them, stick money into the pot" "see what they're made of" 

    Of course the advice was still appropriate because of the audience. Even today it's appropriate. The vast majority of limping on any site is a mistake. It's just funny how it pops into my head every time. 

    *just seen it says forum...
  • percival09percival09 Member Posts: 3,804
    edited August 2017
    In Response to Re: The person from the Sky forum who has helped your game the most is?:
    Crikey Marky. Good thread but if I were to name one I'd end up in a whole load of trouble. Agree as to StayOrGo generally, especially as he does so much charity work.   For succinct hand analysis, & most importantly, WHY we should play a hand a certain way, my short-list would have to include MattBates & sourdough bread lover Percival09 . My Flounce Award would go to Jac , for sheer consistency. For extremely lengthy replies, Markycash is the clear winner.        
    Posted by Tikay10
    Cheers TK. Have you tried sourdough? 

    It took me a while to realise it's the CONCEPT behind a play/spot/situation that's important, not the intricacies of that individual hand. Still improving though. Raise pre. So what? Why? TELL ME WHY? It's not obvious that raising should be better than limping. Explain EV, rake, position, reducing number of players in the pot, equity, balance. It's probably not as easy as one might think, which is probably why people don't do it.
  • NoseyBonkNoseyBonk Member Posts: 6,186
    edited August 2017
    In Response to Re: The person from the Sky forum who has helped your game the most is?:
    It feels wrong not to mention Tk, Orford, Ed, and all the other Sky analysts, I probably can't appreciate right now the extent to which they aided my game at the beginning. If it wasn't for that channel, and those guys, blimey, I wouldn't even know the hand rankings. They were repeated so often. The funny thing is nowadays limping from the SB in both cash and MTTs is a viable strategy; in fact if you want to play optimally at a low raked game NOT limping from the SB is a pure mistake (unless some crazy BB adjustment). There is even a very accomplished high-stakes regular on stars playing a mixed limping & opening strategy from every position, perhaps apart from BTN. He of course has balanced it, tweaked it, perfected it. Why mention? No matter how great it is, I can never play a limped strategy from ANY position for ANY amount of EV because I just have TK's and Orford's voices in my head "limping is the devil", "limping is really really bad", "don't limp, RAISE", "stick money into the pot", "test them, stick money into the pot" "see what they're made of"  Of course the advice was still appropriate because of the audience. Even today it's appropriate. The vast majority of limping on any site is a mistake. It's just funny how it pops into my head every time.  *just seen it says forum...
    Posted by percival09

    Got to agree with that. I get the voices thing too haha

  • craigcu12craigcu12 Member Posts: 3,963
    edited August 2017
    This is quite a hard question really.
    Dohh was good, he was a great help to me as a starter. Lambert_180 is another great helper if anyone could provide hand analsis advice lit was lambert_180. The likes of anna fowler and richard orford played a good part in my improvements, live master cash tabling with them was what helped me start to moving towards the more advanced stage of poker. My game was very basic if I raise it's pairs or broadway cards and the only cards i'd ever 3bet were QQ, KK, AA and AK. The live mastercash sessions changed that I was starting to put more advanced parts into my game, raise the draws, pull the bluffs and make better use of being on the button. Even TK himself provides some useful info here and their about that game which you are dealt 4 cards and will be a great assistant at my first SPT.
  • aussie09aussie09 Member Posts: 8,033
    edited August 2017

    mr 861 was mine, or 865.

  • safc71safc71 Member Posts: 1,544
    edited August 2017
    I would like to thank the players who have used their own time to set up competitions and leagues and post them on the forum to encourage me and others to play poker (pl08).
    Churchy18 / Scouse Red F.O.S.P night  When i first started playing pl08 this really helped in encouraging me to play the game for stakes which didn't break the bank and looked forward to Scouse Red's league table to see how i did. 
    Markycash / Scouse Red pl08 bounty hunter this competition really helped my game improve for pl08 and change my bankroll from negative to a postive outlook. And a big thank you to Markycash for also taking up the league tables when Scouse Red left. 
    Despite some negativity surrounding the forum lately i think this has got to be a big plus for the Sky forum that players are willing to use there own time to ask Sky to set up competitions and sky are willing to encourage this with giving poker Tokens for the winners.
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