Just wanted to report on my weekend at the SPT. I arrived at the Casino early Saturday and got registered before the queue went wild. I was on my own but said a quick hello to some of the more recognisable players from the forum including Craig (back for a second shot at running up a stack) and Lambert (recognised from his youtube channel). Its definitely a little strange at first meeting people at these events and thinking in terms of screenname before a real name but its easy to overcome once get chatting.
I took a quiet seat and read a few magazines that were knocking around the card room. It was clear that the event was a success with several players back for the second day just to rail/socialize and a large queue to register. I spoke to one of the dealers who was anticipating a late start and perhaps a few hours overtime so I got a beer in and watched the Sky team filming a few fb Live videos - everyone was very relaxed and open.
I had one table for most of the day, with the guy 2 to my right a local named Leon who eventually made the final table , top bloke '5ausages' on my immediate right and a nice lady on my left (I didn't pick up her name or alias but I believe she is the partner of Glencoelad).
There wasnt loads of table chat but I quickly found out that most players were fairly experienced at the game and werent going to be going crazy with poor starting hands. Lambert was also on the table with solid older players either side of him and a couple of quiet young ladies in the bottom seats.
Local Leon was quite active and betting/calling over several streets and Lambert was playing a lot of smallish pots so I just tried to play in position and take small pots from Lambo plus get in with a big hand vs Leon. I got my wish with a set of 3's vs Leons turned massive OESD+FD vs one of the girls who also picked up top pair. I made a comitting reraise on the turn and was actually called by both players - unfortunately Leon caught a straight on the river card and I was down to about 7k with the blinds about to hit 300/600.
I stayed calm and got doubled up pre then decided that 20bb was enough to start playing single raised pots vs some of the other guys at the table who were respecting my cbets. 'The Giant' joined on left and was forced to down a shot by Sam while trying to play a hand
I wasnt quite 'there' yet in terms of drinking and socialising but I could see these guys must have had a great time on the friday with Stu Rutter etc. The dealer Guillame had met these guys the day befre and was laughing at the poor giant. He hung on a few hands but never built back up. Lambert and 5ausages bust and I had a stack back up to about 100k by the time I moved table. I felt very confident.
On the next table I 3b an active opener with AJ and hit top 2. Facing a large bet of about 70k I called and set the guys last few chips in on the turn but he had hit his bare fd and I was back to around 35k coming back for day 2. My opponent obviously felt quite bad about the hand but I had a chat with him after play stopped and he was steaming a bit from an earlier hand. Sound fella. I was very tired - it takes more out of you than you would expect sitting in a chair all day. I didnt hang about and went for a kip.
On Sunday I came back determined to double up early. I told my pals at home that with two double ups I could guarantee a mincash. A good omen was that I doubled up my free roulette chips twice that you get when joining the casino. I sank a pint to celebrate and couldnt wait to get mixing it again.
I got lucky early and got a treble up AA vs JJ vs AK eliminating a player (alvez?). Wi03 and local Leon were at the table and had position on me along with a very solid lady who I had chatted with at the bar earlier in the day called Christine - I couldnt open as much as I would like but managed to keep my stack safely in 20bb range for a few levels despite rapidly increasing blinds and antes.
There was an obnoxious bloke on my right who was very vocal that we were all boring, quiet, online players who waste our time playing a rigged game online 'Always lose on the river when 80% favourite every time, I can call the card......blah...blah...blah.' - I was delighted when Wi03 bust him all in pre with AJ vs QQ and got lucky with a wheel. I resisted the urge to chirp up about rigged live poker........
We also saw a frankly bizarre tank-fold on the flop when a player had left 1.5bb behind. Madness!!! If you are a winning player on Sky then get playing these live tourneys because you wont feel out of your depth.
Had a button vs sb battle with Wi03 who made a mistake with a min 3b but couldnt improve to take the chips. The bubble was fast approching and we had 2 short stacks at our table with 2 eliminations required before the money. I had about 125k which I think was about 15bb and decided that I wouldnt call any preflop raises unless I could bust a shorty for a big pot.
I shoved over a shorty with AQ and about 70k total in the middle. If i win this pot im back in the game and one super shorty left as hit the bubble........unfortunately that man Leon who took 3/4 of my chips on day one woke up with KK and bust us both.
I wasnt too disappointed and congratulated everyone who I had been playing with before going over to see Tikay and Neil at the sky booth. They were obviously tired and in no mood for a bad beat story so they just got the short version

The lads offered me a little consolation and were happy that I'd enjoyed the event. The focus was obviously on following the sky staff team at that point and the guys were flying. Neil complimented me on my excellent Muhammed Ali Tshirt as I turned to leave - the man has taste.
I took a bit of a break and watched Leeds beat Bolton (dodgy early season defences) then took in Dunkirk at the Imax at 70mm. The Imax experience improved the film but its definately critically overrated because its a Nolan film - catch Baby Driver quickly if you have to chose between the two, its a lot more fun.
By now I knew we would be in the late stages of the tourney so called back in at the casino. I was delighted to see that Leon and Wi03 were still in and fighting to reach the final table. I grabbed a pint after winning with the complimentary 'super' roulette chips that not one member of staff in the casino either at reception or the floor had heard of or knew how they worked - I suppose not many people will save the vouchers for a 3rd visit after registering but as far I was concerned this was all beer money to save on the San Miguel.
I had a bit of a chat with 'Day4Eire' and his mate and made sure I introduced myself to all of the other railers, including a father and son over from Belfast. Im sure the young lad plays on sky as DA-some numbers and was called Dave but the details have slipped my mind. Nice lads. I then spent some time chatting with Paul and John who are live players who went out close to the final table. Later in the evening it transpired that Paul and Neil Channing have played togther in the past and we heard a few stories about past exploits.
Neil was very happy to chat to everybody around on any topic - the beers were kicking in now and I can talk as quickly as Neil when well watered. We quickly moved through several topics including twitter beef, sports betting and poker books. I decided not to bother Tikay too much after we had a brief chat about Victorian engineering and the bridges of Newcastle at the coffee machine - I kid you not, I was living the life. Tikay was constantly buzzing around trying to make updates, chat to players and rail the sky team all at once. Everybody was tired but all the guys really did put in some hard work. Thanks a lot.
Andy/SidV who has recently been posting on the forum was a very friendly guy and he quickly sized up the final table stacks for me as I was struggling to keep track of the amount of chips on the table - I think thats one of the things that I need to work on if want to play live. It was a bit of a giveaway everytime I was recounting stacks for a reshove etc!
Wi03 bust late on despite getting lucky in a 'ONE TIME' hand and I congratulated him and spoke to Gsmith who was also very sound and not too dissapointed after busting in run up to final table. It made me laugh that at the start of the break Wi said 'thats my one time used up for life now.' In the middle of the break it was 'Thats my one time for the year..' and by the end of the break it was 'I guess thats my onetime for the next few hours....'!
Local Leon went out with top pair as eventual winner Tim had hit a set. He looked gutted but i knew he had satted in on the Thursday so not a bad result for a weekends gambling. Sky James went out but was nice and relaxed with bragging rights secured for a year or so. Sky Kirsty seemed happy with her money earned towards a wedding. Even though there was big money at stake everyone was very relaxed and getting on. Heddoh went out but was happy to chat and congratulate others before running off to find a hotel. It was about midnightand he was due in the airport in a few hours - I hope you made the flight!
After watching the event finsh, I joined Tim, nmongoose and Bigfatfish at the bar after the event. The top 3 had all shared a bottle of champagne and were getting on great despite a small technical disagreement over how one hand had played out earlier. These guys deserved to win because they had the right attitude in victory or defeat. Me and Paul were welcomed to the table and it was great to listen to a few stories and speak to people who are passionate about poker. Thanks a lot lads.
I really enjoyed the whole event and it really is a lot more welcoming to play this event than it is to walk into a regular game at the casino. I would encourage all the players who are unsure to bite the bullet and try and qualify for the next event.
Thanks to the sky guys and all the dealers and floor staff at the casino. The tourny director was very visible but kept a level head and mixed happily with the players. The bar and waiting staff were obviously a bit overworked but kept at it and the dealers had come from far and wide to work 12 hour days back to back.
By the end of the night I was having a bit of craic with the cashgame players stacked in the thousands and conversing with the table staff while watching some businessmen and their girlfriends punt away £50 notes 20 at a time on the roulette tables. When you think about the work involved to keep the poker tournaments running vs the takings on the table games then we really do need to be thankful for the effort people put in.
That's a grand report, Jim, both as to quality (Hemingway class) & length (Markycash-esque).
Was good to meet at the weekend, albeit briefly.
Was great to discuss the bridges of Newcastle, especially Redheugh Bridge, of which I have such fond memories.
Enjoyable read Jim, sounds like you had a great time and were unlucky not to make the payouts.
It really is great that the SPT events are back. It looks like they will help strengthen the feeling of community on Sky. It was nice to catch up with several of the players from the VLV trips that I probably wouldn't have seen for another year at least had it not been for the return of the SPT.
Lovely write up Jim. Good to meet you. I'm glad I wasn't the obnoxious guy.