Hi guys, what kind of BRM do you think is needed for the Sunday Major?
Conventional wisdom seems to have changed a lot over the past few years from 100bi to up to 1000bi for big some MTTs. MTTs are very fun indeed to play but the theoretical swings can be mind boggling.
Wrt Sunday Major, a few factors I think worth considering:
-It's one tournament a week so a player's ABI isn't going to be affected too drastically by flicking it in (unless ABI is micros)
-It's got a decent structure - not like having your highest BI as a turbo
-Field is relatively small which should reduce swings somewhat
-Played it a couple of times and the field didn't seem THAAAAAAT tough (bang bang shots fired!) There are a lot of very good/very experienced players in it though for sure.
Main case against:
Theoretical swings involved would be brutal.
I'm a winning player but if I filter results by stake I can see that I recently had a 30BI downswing in £11s which is standard/nothing/not really a downswing. My ROI is going to be lower in the Major than in 11s and 30+BI swings at £110 level do not sound too fun..!
Cliff Notes: A fish trying to justify punting off above their ABI once a week :P
Would be interested to hear peoples' thoughts/approaches to this or to poker in general!
Thanks guys

But with you already being a winning mtt player and knowing whats up, would defo play this, I dont like all this 1000 bi bulls**t, whats wrong with having say 100bi's and just having the discpline to drop down like a cash game player would, yeh it sucks balls believe me, but once its happened for millionth time you get use to it and just do what needs to be done.