PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancereelerSmall blind £0.02£0.02£4.61paulbemBig blind £0.04£0.06£3.33 Your hole cardsJA celtic1986Call £0.04£0.10£4.02reelerRaise £0.14£0.24£4.47paulbemCall £0.12£0.36£3.21celtic1986Call £0.12£0.48£3.90Flop 104A reelerBet £0.24£0.72£4.23paulbemFold celtic1986Call £0.24£0.96£3.66Turn Q reelerBet £0.48£1.44£3.75celtic1986Call £0.48£1.92£3.18River 2 reelerBet £0.96£2.88£2.79celtic1986All-in £3.18£6.06£0.00reelerFold celtic1986Muck celtic1986Win £3.55 £3.55celtic1986Return £2.22£0.29£5.77
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The only draw he could have called with on the flop (realistically) is KJ and that got there on the turn. The others would be QJ/KQ but would seem odd to turn those into a bluff after the turn card.
Readless, river raises are always the nuts and I'd have to assume he has 2 pair here. Good fold.
Could probably bet slightly bigger pre and on flop, but WP imo.