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Seeing as the winner will go to a forum vote, how about a little sweetener......
for instance, whoever wins total player,( i understand if they cash in vegas , their mentor gets 10%) .
Well, how about bunging 5% of vegas winnings, if any, into a forum freeroll. After all, we are ultimately gonna put you there.
I know details of entries are gonna be hard to work out etc and also holding ppl to it, but a total players word is good enough for me.
go on, you know it makes sense..........
I worry this thread is gonna be a magnet to freeloaders pressuring sky and the TP'ers to do something that they may or may not want to do..... their decision and i hope they don't get hounded..... although this thread has released the hounds
Providing TP`ers agree to it ofc
Lol about the hounds. I`m actually shocked this hasnt been brought up earlier. I had thought of it from day 1 but thought I would let someone beat me to it, but obv they havent.
I think it comes from a weekly home game we have where we all said if any of us won big on the lottery, the next home game we would add like £20,000 to the £100 prize pool.
I will also vote for who I think deserves it
To hand the final choice over to 'the public' is wrong. A lot of votes will be cast for completely the wrong reasons and that would make this whole exercise a farce.
Come on Sky, get your act together and do the right thing. If not this will be bouncing around the forum and poisoning the community for a long time to come.
(whoops! ...... elsa here on SWMBO's account. She just won a seat in tonight's primo and forgot to change it over)
The Voting procedure. As far as I know, EVERY single Sky Poker player will get an e-Mail in which they will get the choice of voting for one of the three remaining players.
I don't know the exact %, but I believe that a very small percentage of the players on Sky Poker are active users of the "Sky Poker Community", or "Forum" as most of us would describe it.
I'm pretty certain - though I'd not bet on it - that "less than 10%" of Sky Poker players use the Community regularly. I'd say 5% would be a tidy guess. Probably wrong, but a good guess.
It may, or may not, be a flawed system. This TP was a first attempt by Sky Poker do do something new, different, challenging. Even their staunchest defender would not say they got everything right, but, you know, it's easy to knock, & harder to do.
If TP is a success, then maybe there'll be a TP II, & even III & IV, & they'll embody the experience of the inaugural TP into that, learn the lessons maybe, change a few things, tweak it, try to make it better, fairer. But if it's gonna just become a trolls paradise, I doubt they'll bother - why on earth should they?
The players own this Forum, this "Community", & they will make it what they will, & get the Community they deserve. The players will "police it", too, care for it, restore balance, as they have today.
Last night was not this Community's finest hour, but it's worked hard to heal a lot of the wounds today.
We'll be alright.