Hi quick query on which £55 games will run during UKOPS.
I know I've asked about this before and Tikay's response was that the 9pm Sheriff would likely be replaced by the 9pm £22 UKOPS, which has a significantly larger guarantee than the Sheriff. Fair answer for sure, seems reasonable.
But looking in the lobby, tonight there will be the turbo £55 UKOPS at 10pm and then the £55 Quickdraw at 10.30pm. Will that be the schedule for the entirety of UKOPS? Just seems strange to have 2 turbo £55s starting within half an hour of each other and then zero reg speed £55s in the entire schedule?
Of course this is from a purely selfish point of view as personally I'll snap register any reg speed 55 and skip the turbos, but thought it worth bringing up

Don't mean to rain on the UKOPS parade - overall schedule looks great and I'm looking forward to playing it!
I've passed that across to James, he'll either let me know & I'll post accordingly, or he'll reply himself on here.
Good luck in UKOPS, I'll be on the rail tonight seeing who is doing what.
That MIGHT change, depending how well the numbers/traffic goes.
Please also note that the £33 entry £6k G'tee BH @ 7.30pm on Sundays will not run during UKOPS, as there is a lot of other stuff on UKOPS Sundays.
I'm not sure I can commit to every day, but I'll almost certainly do a few. Might do them on the Forum this time though, rather than as Blogs, as when I do Blogs, it causes a whole bunch of work, often at weekends, for Kirsty & the Content Team in the Office, whereas I am self-sufficient on the Forum, got my own pen & pencil set & everything.