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UKOPS XX - Review of Day 1

Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,745


  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,745
    And a very good morning to both my readers.

    A brief review of last night's action follows.

    For those of you new to these occasional witterings, they are a little tongue-in-cheek, so if I seem to be rude to you, it's only intended as a bit of fun, & if I do insult you, it means you are either a friend of mine, or Matt Bates.

    If you wish to be excluded from future UKOPS reviews, just let me know & I'll exclude you in future.

    My source for historical data is Sharkscope, & Poker Super Hero. I do not have any access to Sky Poker data other than what all of you also have access to.

    OK, let's go.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,745

    The boring numbers first.

    There were 5 UKOPS MTT's last night, 4 of which comfortably beat Guarantee, the exception being the Main Event, which had an overlay of around £1,400. Sky James will be on the carpet on Monday morning, obv.

    The site was busy though, with plenty of cash action, as always occurs during UKOPS, &, thankfully, the site was nice & stable all evening.

    Was fun to rail some of the tournaments & chat with the players, & at one point I was severely tempted to enter a few UKOPS MTT's. Might just do that on future nights.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,745

    UKOPS XX Event # 1 , £22 entry, £4,000 guarantee Bounty Hunter

    A most encouraging 248 runners for this, so the Guarantee was beaten by 24%. Well done Sky James.

    In the ongoing family feud, @StayOrGo finished 20th, but his son, @Limp2Lose bested that comfortably in 13th place. Son 1, Dad 0.

    6th place went to the veteran Sky Poker & APAT-er @Dewi-Cool. Dewi is Welsh - fluent in the Welsh language, too - & used to work for the Welsh Electricity people at that amazing stored electricity facility, Dinorwig Power Station. He's in his late seventies, & extremely grumpy, rather like that other Welsh resident & Sky Poker veteran, @HAYSIE. Congrats, incidentally, to HAYSIE, who played 3 UKOPS events last night & blanked all three.

    Heads Up was between @AMZ28 & @mcfc_Nick, who we can reasonably assume is a Man City fan. A rare defeat for Man City though, when mcfc_Nick jammed all in somewhat hopefully with the old Q-2, & was looked up in a flash by AMZ28 who had K-J. Not a pair between them. Kids, eh? In my day, we fold Q-Q there & probably K-K too.

    The board ran out paired & safe, so that was that, well done AMZ28.

    AMZ only returned to Sky Poker after a 2 year absence earlier this month, & this was his (or her?) 3rd victory, having already won a Sky Poker Predator & a Sky Poker Quickdraw. I fancy we'll be hearing a lot more of AMZ.

    Dog Bloke v @FeelGroggy? Both failed to trouble the scorer, ditto @MattBates.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,745
    edited October 2017

    UKOPS XX Event # 2 , £110 entry, £20,000 guarantee Bounty Hunter

    So to the Main Event, and rather disappointingly, it missed Guarantee by 14 runners. Get outa here, Sky James.

    Bubble boy was @StayOrGo, though £75 in head prizes eased the pain. No sign of his boy this time though. 1-1.

    @HANSON was 18th, with @LARSON7 collecting the best part of £500 in 16th.

    @DanTB10 - previous Sky Poker Total Player & Viva Las Vegas package winner - was 14th after he massively over-bet A-K pre & got looked up by @Red-Dog with A-J. Running Jacks must have hurt young Dan, who is a Double Dad these days.

    Melty - @chicknMelt - was 13th, & hotpot @jordz16 9th.

    Red-Dog - a very special friend of mine, busted in 10th after he kept getting the wrong side of @railtard11, who had it every time. He's deffo not supposed to have a hand in those spots, ever, & he rarely does, rather in the style of @MattBates.

    The eventual demise of Red-Dog arose when he jammed with A-9 smack into the Kings of @darryl1976. Left with just 1 Big Blind, Red-Dog, inevitably, got 27 callers when he "moved in" - 3 from his table, 6 from the other table, 17 randoms from 'Stars & Party, & his next door neighbour up in Leicestershire.

    @Sharki0 played terrific, with no luck, & exited in 8th.

    7th was the often unplayable @railtard11 who, at one stage, looked like running away with proceedings, but it was not to be. railtard was a Sky Poker Viva Las Vegas Main Event package winner in 2012, finishing in the top 400 for $28,000 & change, & more recently, just under a year ago, won the GUKPT Grand Final for a whopping £133,000. He told me last night he will be playing SPT Brighton. He's a delight to watch - it's sort of poker's version of Strictly Come Dancing - raise, raise, 3 bet 3 bet, raise - but not much fun to play against. If you are on his table in Brighton, tough luck. He used to - maybe still does - do a bit of coaching, too, & has helped many of the better Sky Poker players with their game, as well as @MattBates.

    @RyanC7 was 6th, & @reeler who hails, I believe, from Elgin of all places, 5th.

    @DarkNeo1 was 4th, & @Wiked 3rd, both collecting a shed load of bounty money.

    @darryl1976 - who attended SPT Manchester - was down to dust at one point during the last 2 tables, but staged a remarkable comeback to finish 2nd for around £2,000. He got in via a Sky Poker Freeroll too. How good does he run? Well done mate.

    Our winner - & very impressive too - was @Max_Bear who collected the fat end of £4,000. Max qualified for Viva Las Vegas back in 2015, & has won the Sky Poker Hitman, Iceman, & Predator MTT's, as well as runner-up in a Sunday Major & a whole bunch of other big cashes. He has an ROI in excess of 100%, so he knows how many beans make 5, & was a worthy winner.

    He gets one of these, too;

    @FeelGroggy v @rspca12? Nada-nada.

    @MattBates finished just shy of the Final Table, or would have done if it was a 127 seat Final.

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,745

    UKOPS XX Event # 3 , £11 entry, £3,000 guarantee Bounty Hunter

    This was the UKOPS version of the enduringly popular Mini, & as expected, battered it's Guarantee, coming in at 490 runners, almost 60% over. I won't hear a bad word said about Sky James.

    @TimmyRaRa must have disconnected, he rarely runs bad enough to finish 54th, just ahead of @mmmpizza who collected a small slice of the prize money.

    At the sharp end, @scotty2118 finished 6th, the puntastically named @B16SL1CK 5th, @JARV1 4th, & @Hay1q 3rd.

    @Chazzamuff was 2nd, he's had a smattering of wins in £1,000 BH's previously, & this was his 2nd Mini win, though his first in a UKOPS.

    Our winner was @BigCes who has been with Sky Poker almost 10 years, & collected a few decent cashes along the way, including a Mini. Amazingly, his first decent win on Sky Poker was way back in 2010, when he beat 612 runners to take down a tenner MTT for over £800, which might be some sort of record.

    Dog Bloke v The Grog? Zilch Zilch.

  • K0BAYASHlK0BAYASHl Member Posts: 2,029
    Fun read thanks Tikay
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,745
    edited October 2017

    UKOPS XX Event # 4 , £22 entry, £4,000 guarantee Bounty Hunter

    Another big field, 244 this time, so 22% over the Guarantee. Sky James is a ledge.

    Mentioned for no other reason that I love the alias, 24th place went to @BooBooTheB

    2 places higher, we saw the UKOPS XX debut cash for Dog Bloke, aka @rspca12 . No sign of Groggs though.

    A 2nd cash of the night and also a 2nd 8th place went to @Sharki0. Not sure what the odds of finishing 8th an hour apart in 2 MTT's with 186 & 244 runners is, but its gotta be pretty high.

    The name that jumped off the page in the Final was dear old @MacMonster who has never been known to fold any hand better than 6 high. Lovely fella, lives in the Derbyshire Dales I believe - God's county - and has played north of 20,000 MTT's on Sky Poker, and done so profitably. Not bad for a man of his considerable age. It was the 2nd time he has been the bridesmaid in a UKOPS, too, his previous time was the Xmas 2012 UKOPS in a £30,000 affair when he was beaten to the UKOPS Bracelet only by the young Lincolnshire rascal @Nutter5932.

    Many of you may remember MacMonster winning the Sky Poker UKPC Six Max for over £12,000 back in 2013. I railed him that day & he was running rings round the kids.

    Here's the man receiving his UKPC Six Max trophy from a snappily dressed youngster.

    The winner was the hotshot @Froozle who has a stack of good wins on his Sky Poker resume, & this was his 2nd UKOPS victory, the previous one being back in 2014, when he edged out @Lightwood and @IrishRose.

    Dog Bloke 1, Groggs zero.

  • devil_teardevil_tear Member Posts: 198
    Just like to add in the £110 railed at 2 tables for a bit, and Max_bear made a sick call with 44 in a 3bet pot for most of the chips vs Railtard who was trying to run everyone over showing 3bet bluffs like " 10 2off and 6 3off".

    Railtard wasnt happy with the under pair call saying in chat " You called with underpair and hoped to win".

    But it goes to show good players like Max will adjust if you start showing too many hands. Very well deserved.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,745
    edited October 2017

    UKOPS XX Event # 5 , £55 entry, £4,000 guarantee Bounty Hunter

    Bringing down the curtain on UKOPS XX Day 1, & needing 80 entrants at a hefty £55, this eased over the line with 96 hopefuls, so beating Guarantee by around 20%.

    I am not familiar with too many of these, though runner-up @MikeyW94, impressively profitable in his 4 years at Sky Poker deserves mention, if only because he is one of those rare beasts with 2 UKOPS wins to his credit. Not this time though.

    I also vividly recall him running 2nd in the old Sky Sports Bounty Hunter - remember that comp? I commentated on that for Sky Poker TV on Sky Sports, alongside that Orford fella, & guess who won it that night? Yup, our old mate @Sharki0 again. Spooky.

    Last night's winner pleased me no end though, none other than @SoLack, aka Sticky Solly. He has played over 26,000 MTT's on Sky Poker, at a very nice profit % too.

    He has won every MTT going - & gone - on Sky Poker, including the Roller & Sunday Major. Don't recall him ever winning a UKOPs before though.

    I fell out with him once, at an SPT side event on a Friday night up in Leeds. I raised it up UTG - you know my hand, Aces, that's the bottom of my range in that seat - & he had the temerity to call with K-J & hit 2 pair. WTF? K-J. Are you kidding me? Not even a pair. Shocking play really.

    Anyway, well done Paul, delighted for you. But don't EVER call me with K-J again, it's disrespectful.

    Groggs & Dog Bloke both failed to score again, so the early & very narrow lead goes to The Dog.

    So that's that, UKOPS XX Day 1 is done & dusted.

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,745
    edited October 2017
    Oh, I forgot to update you on how @MattBates Bates got on.

    Here's a list of his UKOPS cashes last night;

  • K0BAYASHlK0BAYASHl Member Posts: 2,029
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,745

    Bit of a mixture tonight, here you go;

    UKOPS 06 | £3,000 Rebuy 7pm £22 £3,000 10 2000

    UKOPS 07 | £15,000 Freezeout 8pm £110 £15,000 12 10000

    UKOPS 08 | £2,500 Mini Freezeout 8.30pm £11 £2,500 10 3000

    UKOPS 09 | £4,000 Bounty Hunter 9pm £22 £4,000 10 3000

    UKOPS 10 | £4,000 Turbo Bounty Hunter 10pm £55 £4,000 7 5000

    If they are a bit rich for you, worry not, there will be more satellites than enough.

    My poker fingers are getting itchy, too, after railing UKOPs last night & wasting a few hours writing about it this morning. I've not played Online since March 13th, which all ended rather badly, but tonight might just be the night.

    OK, that's it for today's UKOPS wafflings, witterings & writerings.

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,745

    Just like to add in the £110 railed at 2 tables for a bit, and Max_bear made a sick call with 44 in a 3bet pot for most of the chips vs Railtard who was trying to run everyone over showing 3bet bluffs like " 10 2off and 6 3off".

    Railtard wasnt happy with the under pair call saying in chat " You called with underpair and hoped to win".

    But it goes to show good players like Max will adjust if you start showing too many hands. Very well deserved.

    Yup, not too many outplay railtard, but Max was not gonna be pushed around. Most impressive.
  • kapowblamzkapowblamz Member Posts: 1,656
    Genuinely hilarious read. Would buy your book.
  • aussie09aussie09 Member Posts: 8,033
    very entertaining tikay.

  • edrichedrich Member Posts: 1,922
    Tikay10 said:


    Bit of a mixture tonight, here you go;

    UKOPS 06 | £3,000 Rebuy 7pm £22 £3,000 10 2000

    UKOPS 07 | £15,000 Freezeout 8pm £110 £15,000 12 10000

    UKOPS 08 | £2,500 Mini Freezeout 8.30pm £11 £2,500 10 3000

    UKOPS 09 | £4,000 Bounty Hunter 9pm £22 £4,000 10 3000

    UKOPS 10 | £4,000 Turbo Bounty Hunter 10pm £55 £4,000 7 5000

    If they are a bit rich for you, worry not, there will be more satellites than enough.

    My poker fingers are getting itchy, too, after railing UKOPs last night & wasting a few hours writing about it this morning. I've not played Online since March 13th, which all ended rather badly, but tonight might just be the night.

    OK, that's it for today's UKOPS wafflings, witterings & writerings.

    Thanks for the recap Tikay,

    Might splash around in a couple of these tonight. Would be good to see you doing the same. Good luck if you do,


  • gazza127gazza127 Member Posts: 2,156
    Real footage of MattBates reading all that...

  • MAXALLYMAXALLY Member Posts: 17,666
    Thanks for doing this review. Appreciated by quite a few I would imagine, but not always acknowledged. At least you have got a VIEW counter for this one, so hopefully you can gauge the virtual response and do some others (if time permits).
  • jonnyrkdjonnyrkd Member Posts: 139
    Brilliant read Tikay as ever please keep the updates coming! I hope I'm as funny as you when I get into my 90s
  • stokefcstokefc Member Posts: 7,929
    always a good read thank you
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