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HAYSIEHAYSIE Member Posts: 38,010
If you want to rebuy at the start of the tourney, you cant until the game actually starts. Yet there is a period of 40 or 50 seconds after the table is open, and the game hasn't started. Why cant you rebuy in this period before the game has started?
I remember Mr Kendal advising years ago that the best plan was to rebuy straight away, because it is better to get 4,000 chips in than 2,000. I have followed this advice because it made sense. This is not always the case.
The way it is set up where you cant rebuy until the first hand is dealt, seems like a conspiracy some times.
Youre on the big blind, and get a walk. Too many chips to rebuy. Alternatively youre on the big blind, get a couple of calls and have to play it. You then win the hand and now have a couple of hundred chips to get shot of before you can rebuy. Then you get the opportunity to get them all in and its 2,000 not 4,000.
To rebuy before the start would be good and probably increase the prize pool.


  • HAYSIEHAYSIE Member Posts: 38,010
    just done it again
  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    Would increase the prize pool!

  • gazza127gazza127 Member Posts: 2,156
    I'm in if you get a discount for auto-adding early and a penalty if you do it in the add-on period.
  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    It’s a small thing.
    You seem to search for problems.

    Why not just play elsewhere? It appears that you have an issue with just about everything and it’s dull
  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited October 2017
    A friend of mine re entered the main last night in error. He kicked himself and then played. I recall that you did the same thing a while back and claimed that you had just been auto re entered
    You were lucky and James refunded you.
    You didn’t even thank him and just continued your grumbles

    Try smiling (I get the irony 😊)
  • HAYSIEHAYSIE Member Posts: 38,010
    You could just avoid being a **** by just getting your facts right.
    The event in question was a re-entry in the high roller which was £530, I didn't play the chips, and James did very kindly refund me, for which I most definitely thanked him. If it had been a re-entry last night I would have played and not mentioned it.
    I cant for the life of me see how you interpret what I see as a possible improvement that could be made, as a moan or a grumble.
    Most players would prefer to have an auto add on to avoid missing it.
    I enjoy playing on Sky but surely that doesn't mean the suggestion of improvements are out of the question.
    I have no intention of becoming one of the groupies.
    You seem to see yourself having a role of slagger off in the forum. Well I am not buying it.
    Just about every time I see you on the forum you are rowing with somebody.
    As you said in one of your posts, this is a small thing so why get involved, but you just wanted to cause a row. You have just posted 3 times on this thread about a minor point purely to cause a row.
    Yet the first post was positive and agreed with the fact that an auto add on would increase the prize pool.
    If you don't like my posts DONT READ THEM, which is exactly what I do with yours.
  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited October 2017
    HAYSIE said:

    You could just avoid being a **** by just getting your facts right.
    The event in question was a re-entry in the high roller which was £530, I didn't play the chips, and James did very kindly refund me, for which I most definitely thanked him. If it had been a re-entry last night I would have played and not mentioned it.
    I cant for the life of me see how you interpret what I see as a possible improvement that could be made, as a moan or a grumble.
    Most players would prefer to have an auto add on to avoid missing it.
    I enjoy playing on Sky but surely that doesn't mean the suggestion of improvements are out of the question.
    I have no intention of becoming one of the groupies.
    You seem to see yourself having a role of slagger off in the forum. Well I am not buying it.
    Just about every time I see you on the forum you are rowing with somebody.
    As you said in one of your posts, this is a small thing so why get involved, but you just wanted to cause a row. You have just posted 3 times on this thread about a minor point purely to cause a row.
    Yet the first post was positive and agreed with the fact that an auto add on would increase the prize pool.
    If you don't like my posts DONT READ THEM, which is exactly what I do with yours.

    That doesn’t quite work.
    You clearly did read my post 😉

    I actually have no wish to row with you. I just get fed up that the only contributions you ever make to the forum are to moan about things. Many of the moans are silly. People far wiser than me have explained things to you and you never ever listen and just believe that you are right.

    If you did thank James then I apologise. I seem to remember him saying he’d refunded you and saying “Merry Christmas “ and you responding with a reply that didn’t seem to be a thank you. As I say, I could be wrong though
    I wasn’t agreeing that it would boost the prize pool btw
  • HAYSIEHAYSIE Member Posts: 38,010
    Your words were "would increase the prize pool" we must be speaking a different language.
  • HAYSIEHAYSIE Member Posts: 38,010
    Firstly I haven't been near the forum for months. Recently I have made suggestions regarding a few things like,
    Incentivising players to enter early.
    Replacing the £22 bh at noon on the weekend with a rebuy.
    Asked about the possibility of rebuying before the first hand is dealt.
    Suggested that there will be humans living on Mars before we can have an auto add on.
    A number of other players have stated that they thought some of the suggestions good.
    I don't consider any of the above to be moans or grumbles.
    Any successful business will surely welcome suggestions from their customers regarding any improvement they might make.
    I feel that these post were done in a light hearted, friendly way. I haven't threatened to burn down the Sky Head Office if they dont comply.
    So what you see as grumbling and moaning, I see as suggestions and questions.
    Importantly I don't think that any player that play rebuys regularly wouldn't want to rebuy before the start, and have an auto add on. It would be good if we could have them, but certainly not the end of the world if we cant.
    However both these things would be an improvement. Improvements are good. I am sorry that you see requests for improvements as moans.
    You say in your latest post that you have no wish to row with me. Unfortunately the tone and content of your other posts point to the exact opposite.
    That would appear to be the end of this discussion, which if you remember started with me politely asking if it would be possible to rebuy before the first hand was dealt, without threatening to stab anyone, or burn their house down.
  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    Have a good evening
  • HAYSIEHAYSIE Member Posts: 38,010
    You too
  • conorshay1conorshay1 Member Posts: 139
    I think its a good idea, I do find it frustrating that you cant
  • HAYSIEHAYSIE Member Posts: 38,010
    It is frustrating, but be very careful about what you post, or you will get Jac on your case about moaning.
  • hhyftrftdrhhyftrftdr Member Posts: 8,036
    HAYSIE said:

    It is frustrating, but be very careful about what you post, or you will get Jac on your case about moaning.

    In all fairness, you only tend to pop up when you want to complain/moan/'suggest improvements', and more often than not these are pretty trivial things that you put forward. Perhaps your tone doesn't traverse the internet as intended but it always comes across as a moan.

    It's almost as if you look for things to complain about, but surely you're not that petty.....surely.....
  • HAYSIEHAYSIE Member Posts: 38,010
    Thank you so much for intervening. Perhaps you could be so kind as to point out the difference between complaining and moaning. This would certainly help me in the future. I must admit that I wasn't aware of any rule prohibiting the suggestion of improvements, but I have no excuse from now on.
    As I have said previously in this thread, I have not contributed to the forum for months, until very recently. I wasn't aware that suggestions weren't allowed, or that questions were considered complaints.
    I would like to take this opportunity to apologise profusely to everyone concerned for these actions. I appreciate that asking questions, and suggesting things is outrageous, and promise to refrain in the future.
    Perhaps you and Jac could send me your email addresses. I could then send you details of anything I planned to post, and you could edit them, prior to posting.
    There is no need to limit it just to me, everyone could participate. You could both edit the whole forum.
    You could be The Lone Ranger, and Tonto, of the forum. Its a real pity you are not allowed to change your aliases.
    Why limit it just to Sky? You could clean up other peoples forums. Making sure that no questions or suggestions ever get posted anywhere.
    I can see it now, just a wig, spray tan, and a mask required. You would probably have to toss a coin to decide which of you is going to be The Lone Ranger because he was by far the most popular.
    You could even start a new political party, standing on the cleaning up forums platform. I could see it turned into a book and a film very quickly. I see the film being along the lines of the Marvels Inhuman format, with you and Jac starring as superhuman, question, and suggestion stoppers. The film would have the biggest queues since Jaws at the cinema.
    Unfortunately you and Jac would not be able to write the book, because you just repeat what the other one says, as evidenced in this thread. Rather than adding weight, it just makes you look silly.
    Anyone just reading this thread would surely see that all I did was ask a question, and that you and Jac started the complaining.
    No questions or suggestions in the future, I promise.
    I had my fingers crossed.
    I wish you luck in the future stopping questions, suggestions, and your suspiciously similar posts.
    Have either of you even heard of freedom of speech?
  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    I took Haysie up on his offer and have received his latest ‘suggestion’
    I’ve just concluded the editing of it and here it is below.


  • HAYSIEHAYSIE Member Posts: 38,010
    Are you The Lone Ranger or Tonto.
  • K0BAYASHlK0BAYASHl Member Posts: 2,029
    Haysie has a point about the rebuys, if you have nothing constructive to say about the suggestion he is giving then what's the point of posting in here.
  • HAYSIEHAYSIE Member Posts: 38,010
    Thank you for being sensible.
  • SMARTGOATSMARTGOAT Member Posts: 478
    I've missed a few add ons before, and yes it is frustrating, but an auto add on is not needed. I often stand to benefit when half the field doesn't add on and I jump up 20 places. Why is it so difficult to just remember to add on? You remember to buy in and rebuy. Perhaps set an alarm on your phone to go off during the add on period to remind you.
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