Good morning all, & Hello November.
The weather is now somewhere between fresh & freezing, & soon the countdown will start to that religious festival that falls between December 24th & New Year's Day. I wonder how many of those who celebrate Christmas are actually "religious", or go to church at least once per week? 5%?
My view on Xmas is well-known, but it's not all bad. Best of all, great sport on TV - the King George from Kempton, the Boxing Day Test Match from Melbourne Australia, which, thanks to time difference, is the middle of the night here, a full programme of football on Boxing Day, and most of all, it's just about the busiest time of year for an Online Poker site. In fact, in Online Poker in the Northern hemisphere, Christmas lasts until Easter. Note how timespans are measured between religious festivals. Isn't that an odd thing?

I'm not sure why I mention all that - I suppose they would call that "fill" on TV - but for now, UKOPS XX still has 5 days left, & next week it's SPT Brighton.
OK, let's take a look at what happened last night on Day 5 of UKOPS XX.
Bit of an odd night really - Sky Poker are hardly famous for running High Roller MTT's on a Tuesday, so there were a few furrowed brows in the office wondering if the gamble would backfire.
I googled "gamble backfire", & guess what the top result was - in fact 7 of the top 10 all featured the same return.
Here you go.

google might just be the most amazing thing ever. Might be?
May be works better.
UKOPS XX Event # 22 , £22 entry, £3,000 guarantee Turbo Freezeout
There was some debate on the Forum recently about the merits or otherwise of "Late Reg".From the perspective of the Business & players, I'd say Late Reg is probably a good thing, both sides benefit. But when applied to a TURBO, they don't help so much, as there is less time to buy in, & due to the Turbo speed, less incentive to Late Reg, as players are getting fewer Big Blinds.
So the Guarantee here, usually £4,000 for the UKOPS opener, was only £3,000, & even that was likely to be a stretch, but as it happens, it got there - 163, needing 150 - so that's the first hurdle safely negotiated.
Groggy managed the miniest of min cashes, as did @gac123, who is having a decent UKOPS.
@BooBooTheB did slightly better - the first ladder was a whopping £1.30 - as did @Scotty77, aka Ryan.
@devil-tear got slightly more in 19th. Apologies to him, by the way, I described him as "erudite & handsome" in yesterday's Review. I had meant to write "can hardly be described as erudite & handsome". Slip of the keyboard there.
@TheDart, named, would you believe, after a Rapid Transit System in Dublin, cashed, ditto @memfno who was a winner the previous night & @shawsok.
In 6th, @GoldenArms made a third UKOPS XX final table - well done - with @nuffle 5th, @manosalex 4th, with @cash66778 3rd.
Runner up was the always impressive @DustoLucko. We used to see him on the Forum a bit, but I don't recall seeing him here recently.
Sitting on top pf the podium was @JARV1 who has a decent CV here, which includes an unusual winning double of a Mini Bounty Hunter and a Mini Roller. And if new readers who have strayed onto Sky Poker for the first time are wondering what on earth a "Mini Roller" is, the ever reliable Mr google has the answer.
UKOPS XX Event # 23 , £220 entry, £15,000 guarantee High Roller Freezeout
Sitting somewhat incongruously on Sky Poker on a Tuesday, this was a real oddity, and something of a gamble, but it did just fine - 76 uniques & 18 rebuys took it to a surprising £18,800, some 25% north of Guarantee. Sky James was never worried, he's a cool dude.Both @StayOrGo & @GoldenArms were prominent at various stages, but failed to stay the trip.
It's amazing how fortunes can turn in Tournament Poker - here's the Top Six at 10.30pm last night;
xjawz_786 106833
rspca12 52055
alancarr12 43533
buddha350 41078
JewBoy172 40252
Essexphil 39482
If you had to bet on the outcome at that point, @xjawz_786 would surely be odds-on to win?
If only poker were that simple. Of that Top Six at 1030pm, only one was to make the Final Table, and the eventual runner-up was languishing in 19th place.
There were mini-cashes for @Sharki0, Dog Bloke, @SenorBegs, @2Guys1Acct, and Melty.
Final Table bubbler was TOBIE, aka @Essexphil.
First exit in the Final was @Wiked who had a win on Night 4, 5th was @Gambelo, & making a 2nd Final of the Series in 4th was @Lynz89.
3rd place went to the earlier runaway leader, @xjawz_786 who must have met with a misunderstanding or two along the way. Still a lovely result though.
Runner-up was a player who was not in good shape earlier on but finished like a train, none other than @MAXALLY. Very well done Alan, over £3,000 for 2nd & so that's Christmas paid for.
It's not Alan's biggest win here - he collected £5,400 for winning a Super Roller back in February 2015, (and a runner-up in the same event for over £2,000 2 months later) but since then has been on something of a downswing. That's Tournament Poker for you - the downswings seem to last forever, & it must be hard to retain confidence. The best players get them too - note what a tough time Groggs is having in the current UKOPS.
Delighted for @MAXALLY, he's been a Sky Poker Forum regular since Day One, & I think he deserves this. Head to Al's Bar, the drinks are on the house today.
Finally, the winner was @MikeyW94 & this completed a hat trick of UKOPS wins for him, having taken two UKOPS victories in 2015, he has also won Summit & Predator.
Mikey collects around £5,500, & one of these beauts.
Good event that, well done all, & if that can beat it's Guarantee, the rest of the evening can't possibly fail.
UKOPS XX Event # 24 , £110 entry, £15,000 guarantee Turbo Bounty Hunter
The Main last night was a Turbo, & as explained earlier, that means fewer Late Regs. Also, with a back to back £220 & £110, there's a lot of crossover between the entrants, so one cannibalises the other, unlike, say, a £530 & a £110, where less crossover occurs. Some good football on TV too, two good teams, Man U & Chelsea. Celtic were on too.
Oh, & there was this, too;
Those will be the excuses Sky James trots out when summoned by Sam to explain the small overlay in this, (6 runners) and as Leeds lost at home to lowly Derby, Sam will be in a foul mood. GG James.
@IRONZ had a small cash, and there was another cash for @Excessive7 & @SoLack who already has a win under his belt.
In 8th was @IrishRose which was nice to see, as things are, I gather, a bit uphill for her at the moment.
@Doooobs Final Table bubbled. He's a great guy & a good friend of mine, & can boast a 75% ROI on Sky Poker on a decent sample size. Pretty good Sports Bettor too, especially on the horses & F1.
A second Final Table for @memfno, & guess who cashed for the 3rd straight night in UKOPS XX?
Yup, Neil Channing, aka Mr Ambo. Not bad for an old geezer, eh?
Was pleased to see Danny, aka @Itsover4u in 4th, he's very Sky Poker supportive & a top bloke.
Multi-tasking was @MikeyW94 in 3rd, at the same time as winning the High Roller. Not a bad night for Mikey, well done Sir.
@henners10 was 2nd, this was his first UKOPS XX Final, but expect a few more by close of play on Sunday.
@AKAscotty took the win, to go with the 2nd on Monday, so he's on a roll, too, & now has one of those weird Sharky graphs which go vertical at the end.
Well done all.
In relation to the Roller Final Table, xjawz won a flip v me, and started that final table with as many chips as the other 5 put together
UKOPS XX Event # 25 , £11 entry, £3,000 guarantee Mini Turbo Megastack Bounty Hunter
And so we come to Sky Poker's most popular nightly MTT, the Mini.Did you know that the term "Mini" was not in usage until this came along in 1960?
Which was closely followed by these;
And soon they merged into this....
There you go, something for petrol heads and pervs alike.
Turbo or not, no excuses here - there rarely are with the Sky Poker Mini - & the 300 runners needed were eclipsed by the 488 who showed up. Lovely job.
Two friends of mine cashed next door to each other, @Whizzewky (a PLO8 veteran) and Folkestone's 2nd finest (after Adam Owen) dear old Hoggers, aka @GREGHOGG.
Groggs, making his much delayed run was in the money, just behind @rivermunky and the veteran @SUPERSNEDD.
6th was @eezee5268, then @M_R_S-C (which sounds like an illness), @BarryT1972 and @Aaaces3.
@AgentAA88 added a runner-up spot to his win a few nights ago.
Who wants to guess who won? Here's your starter for 10;
@The_Reflex is better known as a DYM regular, but he has had a spectacular October. 2nd in the Super Sunday Main for nearly £5,000, won 2 Sheriff's, runner up in a Summit & 3rd in an Avenger rebuy, and now took this one down for over £700. One way & another he has collected around £8,000 profit from Sky Poker MTT's in October.
Not bad for a DYM player. I read on the Forum recently that DYM-ers can't play "real poker".
He's not only a decent player, he's a really good guy, proper bloke in every way.
Back in 2010, Neil Channing was Heads Up at a WSOP Final Table with a huge lead, 9 to 1 or similar. If you bump into Mr Channing, best not ask how that one ended. Still, a quarter of a milly USD must have eased the pain. By chance, in 3rd place was Stu Rutter.
Here's Ambo trying to seal the deal at that WSOP Shootout;
Talk about "every picture tells a story".
I'm not 100% certain, but I think the fella on the rail in the red t-shirt is John Kabbaj, who is pretty handy himself.
Here's the other occasion, in 2012. $406,000 this time. WAL, MBN, Marv etc.
Seriously, it must hurt a bit to be a double WSOP runner-up.
UKOPS XX Event # 26 , £22 entry, £4,000 guarantee Bounty Hunter
This one cleared the Guarantee by around 15%, with 229 hopefuls joining battle.
A minor cash for Golden Boy himself, @TimmyRaRa, magic.
@MAXALLY was in the money again - BEAST - as was @SUPERSNEDD, @Curt360x27 and a 2nd cash of the evening for @nuffle.
As he's had a good night, here's a photo of MAXALLY in action. And yes, he was younger then. A LOT younger.
In 4th was Spinny Gold Star man @heddoh18, with @Craigy1977 a spot ahead.
Great to see @POKERTREV get a good result - 2nd - he's another who has had real life issues for a good while now. He's a great Sky Poker Community organiser, & is much missed.
@keczmo was the winner. You may not of heard of him, but he's been here a while, & keeps taking down little events, 6 or 7 of them, but this, I believe, was his or her biggest win. So far.
UKOPS XX Event # 27 , £55 entry, £4,000 guarantee Turbo Bounty Hunter
The traditional end to a UKOPS evening this one, and despite a hefty £55 entry cost, it cleared nicely with 95 entries, needing 80 to cover.
There was a small cash for @MattBates, a slightly less small - but still small - for Groggy, and man-of-the-moment @The_Reflex was close to the Final Table & nicked a few bob.
6th was @JAG1997, then @f3nix35, @shubling and the ubiquitous @Sharki0 was 3rd.
Delighted to see all round good guy @StayOrGo in 2nd place, though I guess he'd have preferred one spot better. He puts some work in to the Forum, with his horse racing and Charity Leaderboard stuff.
Top of the pile was @LIONS62, who has been with Sky Poker since it launched all those years ago, but I think this was his first ever UKOPS victory. Well done Lions, the three "p" s got you there - perseverance, patience and pplication.
UKOPS 28 | £3,000 Deepstack 7pm £22 £3,000 10 5000
UKOPS 29 | £10,000 Rebuy 8pm £55 £10,000 12 3000
UKOPS 30 | £3,000 Mini Rebuy 8.30pm £5.50 £3,000 10 2000
UKOPS 31 | £4,000 Bounty Hunter 9pm £22 £4,000 10 3000
UKOPS 32 | £4,000 Turbo Bounty Hunter 10pm £55 £4,000 7 5000
No danger of any of those having overlay. Mark my words.
The Total Player Leaderboard has been updated, here;
Here's your Top Ten;
1 MattBates 125
1 MikeyW94 125
3 kapowblamz 120
3 Wiked 120
5 The_Reflex 110
6 chicknMelt 100
6 Mather14 100
8 AgentAA88 95
9 AKAscotty 90
9 BigCes 90
All done for today.