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Multi tables players.

pet100pet100 Member Posts: 4
Is it right to sit at a table of 6, where many of the other players are playing multiple games on other tables with a computerised link ?


  • K0BAYASHlK0BAYASHl Member Posts: 2,029
    What do you mean a computerized link?
  • pet100pet100 Member Posts: 4
    I have noted that some players on a table for 6 are playing up to 13 other tables at the same time, at a speed that would be impossible to play without being timed out
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,706
    edited November 2017
    pet100 said:

    I have noted that some players on a table for 6 are playing up to 13 other tables at the same time, at a speed that would be impossible to play without being timed out

    Hi Pet,

    It's quite normal for players to Multi-Table, in fact many (me included) struggle to keep concentration if we only play 1 table. Not sure I know any "big" players who only play 1 or 2 tables at a time. Most play 5 or 6.

    Plenty of players on here play as many as 20 tables at a time. Once you've played poker for a while, most decisions are pretty much "instant".

    Don't worry about it, everything is tickity-boo, just enjoy your poker.

    A few years ago - on another site - one fella played over 40 tables for 12 hours. AND made a profit.
  • pet100pet100 Member Posts: 4
    I thank you for your honesty Tikay10. So do I assume these 'big players' do not actually enjoy the game aspect of Poker.?
    I really enjoy my poker, and have done for over 50 years, but I now have concerns that my skills and enjoyment learnt in that time are wasted on poker site tables that have 'multiplayers' just making instant decisions. The expression 'Poker Face' and bluffing are lost.
    I note that most of these multiplayers are on cash tables, perhaps I will stick to SNG and KO's, or perhaps live.... face to face!!
    See you out there.
    Pet 100.
  • EvilPinguEvilPingu Member Posts: 3,462
    edited November 2017
    pet100 said:

    I have noted that some players on a table for 6 are playing up to 13 other tables at the same time, at a speed that would be impossible to play without being timed out

    Impossible for some, but certainly not everyone.

    I play anywhere between about 8 and 18 tables at once, depending what I'm playing and how much I need to think about each decision in depth.

    In DYMs my decisions are often very simple, it's just "This guy has shoved pre-flop and I should fold this hand because maths". Once you've played about 25,000 of them as I have, it takes a split second to make most decisions, in the same way that doing simple addition or multiplication is far quicker for you now than it was when you were four years old. It's knowing how to make the decision and having experience that makes people fast enough to play so many tables without timing out.

    I occasionally time out, but very rarely with a hand that I want to play - It's usually because I've got too much going on elsewhere to bother clicking the fold button on the 74 offsuit. It's easier to sit back in once there's less going on.
    pet100 said:

    I thank you for your honesty Tikay10. So do I assume these 'big players' do not actually enjoy the game aspect of Poker.?
    I really enjoy my poker, and have done for over 50 years, but I now have concerns that my skills and enjoyment learnt in that time are wasted on poker site tables that have 'multiplayers' just making instant decisions. The expression 'Poker Face' and bluffing are lost.
    I note that most of these multiplayers are on cash tables, perhaps I will stick to SNG and KO's, or perhaps live.... face to face!!
    See you out there.
    Pet 100.

    Playing lots of tables doesn't mean people aren't enjoying the game.

    It would be wrong to pretend every single pro player, or anyone playing that many tables as a second income, enjoys what they do. For some, it's merely preferable to having a proper job, and it's tax free. I've also seen my fair share of pros completely give up the game because they stopped enjoying it. However, the vast majority of us do still enjoy the game.

    We might get pleasure out of different things within the game - Some players might get pleasure out of successfully running a big bluff against a well known player and showing a pile of junk for example, whereas I get enjoyment out of knowing I'm playing my A-game and I wouldn't enjoy bluffing someone if I felt it was a losing play to do so in the long term.

    Bluffing isn't 'lost' at all - for those playing a lot of tables, I believe there are different factors that go into the decision of whether to bluff or not compared to someone who is playing one table, but we definitely still bluff. Some of us, anyway ;)
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,706
    pet100 said:

    I thank you for your honesty Tikay10. So do I assume these 'big players' do not actually enjoy the game aspect of Poker.?
    I really enjoy my poker, and have done for over 50 years, but I now have concerns that my skills and enjoyment learnt in that time are wasted on poker site tables that have 'multiplayers' just making instant decisions. The expression 'Poker Face' and bluffing are lost.
    I note that most of these multiplayers are on cash tables, perhaps I will stick to SNG and KO's, or perhaps live.... face to face!!
    See you out there.
    Pet 100.

    50 years? You might ne as old as me. ;)

    Not sure it is correct or fair to say that multi-tablers don't enjoy their poker. I suspect most enjoy it as much as you do, but the game is different these days. Honestly, don't let it spoil your enjoyment, most of the Sky Poker player base are friendly, chatty, recreational players.

    Playing "live" won't help - many "live" players have a laptop or "mobile" with them, & whilst sat at the "live" table, are 4 or 5 tabling on their phone, I-Pad or laptop. It's fearfully rude & disrespectful, & if I were ever King For A Day, I'd have them all put against the wall & shot.

    Anyway, been good to chat - post more, we need more good people here.

    Look after yourself, & run good.
  • EvilPinguEvilPingu Member Posts: 3,462
    Tikay10 said:

    most of the Sky Poker player base are friendly, chatty, recreational players.

    +1, even most of the multi-tabling guys will chat occasionally. Loads of multi-tabling regs on Sky do make a point of trying to be somewhat active in the chat, as much as they can with everything else going on.

    It's far better here than any of the bigger, global sites where the only time anyone uses the chat is to wish ill on your family after a bad beat. Makes me feel slightly disappointed with the lack of rude words that my languages teachers taught me :(
  • pet100pet100 Member Posts: 4
    Thanks for your responses have restored a little faith, and also cemented my preference to sky rather than a few of the other sites I have played over the years.
    Keep a little lucky,
  • mumsiemumsie Member Posts: 8,365

    Multitabling does have its groupies ;)

    There is a player who I see now and again , whenever I arrive at his table, he sits out ,calls me a sky leach, tells me to get a life , warns the rest of the table that I work for Sky, then clears off with a few rail comments.

    >>>>>Tishtosh <<<<<<
  • DuesenbergDuesenberg Member Posts: 1,750
    Tikay10 said:

    most of the Sky Poker player base are friendly, chatty, recreational players.

    An added level of amusement I find with chatting at the tables comes from the random censorship one can sometimes stumble across. Profanities and the names of rival poker sites make sense, but there are some truly bizarre ones too.

    I had a film on in the background when I was playing the other day and was chatting to one of the other players about it. The film was set in Iraq but apparently mentioning that particular country whilst at the tables is a no no.

    I also wonder if Basil Fawlty had any thing to do with the censoring as I recently had a bit of trouble making a reference to Star Wars - apparently, whatever you do, don't mention the war!

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