Sometimes, just sometimes, for just a few moments, you want to retreat to being two years old, and throw all your favourite play things out of the perambulator. Scream and shout, make a scene.
Then you remember, there are bigger and far, far worse things happening to people all over the world, than bubbling the UKOPS PLO8 tournament you have waited all week to play.
So, Wp to all those who cashed and I look forward to seeing you all in the PLO game coming up.
Really great to see Tony on the tables, and of course , cashing.
The man is a phenomenon.
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Late regging this was never gonna end well, but I thought I would show support for the ploppers.
Still, on the bright side, I only wasted about 10 minutes more of my evening.
GG me.
Well done to all who cashed.
I think I joined your table just after this happened and you were still typing away in the chat box.
The chap you were up against is a very very good poker player, I think he played the PLO8 as a bit of fun.
I am not good enough to know % etc, however , he almost certainly does..
You say you had AA xx, without knowing what your xx was, I have no idea how much of an underdog he was, but, assuming you had a balanced hand, suited with low draws perhaps, You WANT that call.
It just so happens that this time you may have got unlucky. I understand your frustration but as my opening post says, so many worse things in the world than losing a hand of poker.
Good luck at the tables and hope to see you in and around the four card scene.
Appreciate the response.
Yeah I certainly recognised my opponents name and I’m sure he is a top top player. Just irks me a little that buy ins of that level are quite large(for me) and I try to play my best and use what limited skill I have to try and make the best decisions possible, then you have guys that obv play way higher and just splash around hoping to build a stack like the chips/money mean nothing.
Not angry just venting a little. I’m back on the site after a long absence so hoping to get some decent volume in and will certainly be in the PLO8 streets.
Not really sure what you plo8 guys want as with non plo8 experts in the field it means it is a lot better value for you guys and is often threads on forum wanting more plo8 games. Players aren't going to enter then sit out!
Try and limit variance by strengthening your own range and expect the unexpected :-)