Hi guys, this is a test REMOVALS SCORING sheet for you to play with. (Only enter "test scores" (yellow tabs) not actual horses)
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1tP1A9_BDHYodkIU5Tg7f6ri5CjATOVAJGdUeGoBKSsg/edit#gid=0It dynamically updates the REMOVERS LEADER BOARD as soon as you score your card.
Try it out, only update the "YELLOW" cells. Carry over scores are current as of 03/11/17.
I have a backup so don't worry just give it a go.
HANSEN and MAXALLY, I have columns for you in case you decide to do the removers next year.
Please note, the position doesn't update automatically, I have to do that manually. I will try and do something similar with NAPS at a later date.
P.S. Only rule for "playing" is update
yellow cells only.P.P.S. Note for Roger, I have made major changes to your master template to incorporate this. FYI, I took the word "TEST" out as it is now the formal template and is called, "ROGERS_GOOGLE_REMOVALS_TEMPLATE"
Are you logged into google with your normal email address. Also maybe check "junk folder" again.
So put in any scores you like in your column (imagine you done say 20 selections got 45 points and 2 winners and see it auto update your overall score at the bottom, just update yellow cells.
BTW, any NAP today?
On that note I will put in my own fictitious scores too.
GOOD LUCK tonight
You will see that your score hasn't transferred through properly to main leader board. Remove the "pts" and it should be OK.
Take a look and you'll see what I mean. Remove the pts and it will calculate OK.