Not sure if they already are - not seen them - but any chance we can have some scheduled MTTs in this format? Only seen them in UKOP events. Seem to do well.
Can we try some £2-£5 ones please? Oh, and not at 10pm but through the day or from 6pm?
9.30 one is a good tournament to mix into almost any abi imo
What currently goes down at 8.45? Basically nothing?
Or 7.15 actually
I went with 7.15 as 8.45 would clash with the mini. I don't think you can go too big with a rebuy bh buy in wise. £22bh rebuy is fine for a main but for a normal game you want decent numbers to encourage players to rebuy.
You could have £11bh rebuy at 8.45, I think its best to gradually add games into the schedule rather than suddenly add a couple of games in at the same time.
Good evening Sky james. Any chance of making the 19.55hrs break longer than 5 minutes, as i have to walk my dog at 20.00hrs. 22 minutes should just about do it. Thank you in advance. All the best. Rainman215.
I've gone with this suggestion. In there every night with £500 gtd for now.
Nice, thanks James, I'll reg for this! How does the 7.30 £1000 bounty hunter do? Could prizepool be increased for that? I noticed there were no all in sats for it last night. Was that deliberate due to overlay issues? Many Thanks
5pm is £11bh rebuy
Was hoping for some £2-£5 ones to involve more players.
What currently goes down at 8.45? Basically nothing?
Or 7.15 actually
Close thread, it doesn't get any better than this.
You could have £11bh rebuy at 8.45, I think its best to gradually add games into the schedule rather than suddenly add a couple of games in at the same time.
Any chance of making the 19.55hrs break longer than 5 minutes, as i have to walk my dog at 20.00hrs.
22 minutes should just about do it.
Thank you in advance.
All the best.