Would it be possible for Sky to have a look at the following Guarantees given winter is here now.
The 7:45 £11 BH currently £500 and 8:15 £750.
These both used to be £1k Gteed Events, as iirc, met their guarantees every night.
The 7:30 £22 BH has a 1k gtee, could this be looked at? In the past on certain Nights it had a 3k Gtee. Surely in this prime slot it could be a better guarantee than this
Also the 10pm £22 would be better with a 1.5/2K Guarantee.
The 9pm £55 BH could be a £3k -4 k Gtee.
Some of the events during UKOPS were fantastic, with good guarantees, it would be really good if Sky could retain some of these sort of events.
At the weekends, the 11pm 11:30 and 12:30 £11 Bounty hunters used to always have a £1k gtee, and always met their Guarantee, Can these tournies be reinstated with a normal structure, not a turbo. These were great tournaments.
Sunday Major, Would it not be better to make this a 15k GTEE bounty hunter as opposed to a freeze out? It would have a greater number of entrants and ultimately prove a lot more popular.
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Note the reply by Sky__James.
Some Guarantees were increased shortly after, too.