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quick question

webby234webby234 Member Posts: 1,781
edited March 2010 in Poker Chat
currently with sky broadband but they are useless in all honesty, can someone reccomend a good service provider at reasonable prices, currently paying £15 a month with sky but thats £14.99 too much lol

please someone give an answer before they move this thread



  • DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,929
    edited March 2010
    I thought sky was free if u had sky tv too? - Tiscali for me but its only gone nuts 25 times in 3 years!

    Only takes a phone call to sort it like - the hard bit is getting through to someone you can understand.

  • webby234webby234 Member Posts: 1,781
    edited March 2010
    free lol it was £10 they then bumped it up to £15

    i had all sports packages and they bumped all those prices up aswell, was going to get sky talk but they would probably take away my dial tone

    am thinking of maybe getting bt broadband if its roughly same price, anything gotta be better than sky
  • webby234webby234 Member Posts: 1,781
    edited March 2010
    In Response to Re: quick question:
    I thought sky was free if u had sky tv too? - Tiscali for me but its only gone nuts 25 times in 3 years! Only takes a phone call to sort it like - the hard bit is getting through to someone you can understand.
    Posted by DOHHHHHHH
    you wanna phone sky poker up, i had to get a translator last night just to have a conversation with someone
  • DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,929
    edited March 2010
    cant really help ya with owt technical webbo !! - I think BT is more expensive....We have sky talk and sky sports etc.....but apparently sky broadband isnt in our area? I really dnt get it - maybe when sum1 official replies u can let me know when sky BBand is coming to Doncaster?
  • ACESOVER8sACESOVER8s Member Posts: 1,307
    edited March 2010
    I didn't know it had gone up? must read my mail more often !

    (Or at the very least check my bank statements lol)

    To be honest Webby my connection to all other websites is fine. It's only the lag on here that i have a problem with and i think that is more to do with the resource intensive site than my connection

    When did they start charging me £15 for broadband?

    (Don't know if it still is free Dohhh but your right, they used to do the basic broadband free of charge but it had download limits)
  • webby234webby234 Member Posts: 1,781
    edited March 2010
    i would like to use the same equipment that tikay orford or maybe sky rich uses then the next time it crashes they cant blame it on the customer!!!!!!

    in my last job my boss used to say to me all the time "the customer is always right" i wonder why that never washed with sky?

    ps: i am going mental on my keyboard and need to relax, smashing up my computer would not be a good idea
  • webby234webby234 Member Posts: 1,781
    edited March 2010
    In Response to Re: quick question:
    I didn't know it had gone up? must read my mail more often ! (Or at the very least check my bank statements lol) To be honest Webby my connection to all other websites is fine. It's only the lag on here that i have a problem with and i think that is more to do with the resource intensive site than my connection When did they start charging me £15 for broadband? (Don't know if it still is free Dohhh but your right, they used to do the basic broadband free of charge but it had download limits)
    Posted by ACESOVER8s
    mine went up to £15 in January, aces i never get disconnected on my computer but it seems everyday when i play on sky poker i am having problems, they told me not to use google chrome cos they didnt support it, so i asked sky_rich what he uses, he said firefox was good for him, so i am using that since last week and so good so far computer is a bit faster but still niggling problems on sky poker it seems, thay have assured me that it is 100% because my wireless connection cannot handle 2 tables!!!!! it hurts typing this because i have 3 tabled and 2 tabled every single day most of the time without problems, why dont they just admit that they are having problems and stop telling me to change something on my computer everytime i have problems? can they not be reasonable and just admit to their customers that sometimes, ok most times we are going to have trouble on skypoker?
  • acebarry10acebarry10 Member Posts: 7,556
    edited March 2010
    Hi Webby

    I am with Sky, I took the whole package, Sports, Broadband and talk, so my Broadband has remained at £10, I had connection problems and Sky Customer Care were excellent to the point of sending me 2 new wireless routers and a BT engineer who found a problem at the exchange, no probs since then.
  • webby234webby234 Member Posts: 1,781
    edited March 2010
    how did you go about getting the wireless router baz? nice to know someone else using a wireless connection
  • fingers615fingers615 Member Posts: 154
    edited March 2010
    Whats your processor size webby. If its below 1.8GHz that could be a problem mate. Just a thought
  • acebarry10acebarry10 Member Posts: 7,556
    edited March 2010
    In Response to Re: quick question:
    how did you go about getting the wireless router baz? nice to know someone else using a wireless connection
    Posted by webby234
    From Sky, they sent it when I signed up.
  • webby234webby234 Member Posts: 1,781
    edited March 2010
    In Response to Re: quick question:
    Whats your processor size webby. If its below 1.8GHz that could be a problem mate. Just a thought
    Posted by fingers615
    how do i find this out mate?

    ps: baz i have one already but maybe its faulty, could do with sky sending another to check
  • acebarry10acebarry10 Member Posts: 7,556
    edited March 2010
    In Response to Re: quick question:
    In Response to Re: quick question : how do i find this out mate? ps: baz i have one already but maybe its faulty, could do with sky sending another to check
    Posted by webby234
    Customer Care can check the router for you
  • DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,929
    edited March 2010
    Isnt everyone wireless ???
  • acebarry10acebarry10 Member Posts: 7,556
    edited March 2010
    In Windows, Start, Settings, Control Panel, System, Hardware, Device Manager processors :)
  • dav1964dav1964 Member Posts: 2,526
    edited March 2010
    Hi webby i am on the wireless router with talk talk and i have only ever lost connection twice in a year and it gets connection back in about 2 minutes.dav
  • Mr_MiyagiMr_Miyagi Member Posts: 2,031
    edited March 2010
    Im with Virginmedia. I have the 20mb speed package for £20 a month. Had no problems at all since they changed from NTL.

    there is a 10MB speed package for £12.50 a month. And I think you can get it for £15 if you don't want their phone service.

    I'd take the phone service though because all calls under 1hour to landlines are free if you pay 99p extra
  • ACESOVER8sACESOVER8s Member Posts: 1,307
    edited March 2010
    Im on skys wireless router and it works fine for everything, The problem with me is the site is too intensive on resources for my laptop.

    I don't multi table more than 2 - 3 tables on my newer laptop and If the wifes on facebook then im restricted to 1 table on the ancient peice of c r a p that i keep under my coach for emergencies lol
  • NoseyBonkNoseyBonk Member Posts: 6,186
    edited March 2010
    In Response to Re: quick question:
    Isnt everyone wireless ???
    Posted by DOHHHHHHH
    Nope, I DETEST it. I likes good ole reliable wires :)

  • _Woof__Woof_ Member Posts: 21
    edited March 2010
    Posts such as this are appearing all the time webby, and I understand it must be very frustrating if you are the one having problems. However blaming it on Sky is misplaced because some of us are not having any problems at all, even when playing 4 or more tables. Problems with lag and connection can be attributable to a whole list of things related specifically to you or your service provider. The important things to consider are as follows and I will undoubtedly be listing some things you have already looked at, but here goes.

    1. Web browsers - Different browsers will perform better or worse depending on your personal set-up. Trial and error to see which one suits you best.

    2. Internet providers - All IP's don't provide equal services and they can and will vary depending on where you live in relation to your local exchange. Whether your local exchange has been digitalized or not. If you are remote from your exchange and have a poorly performing IP you will have very slow upload and download speeds. This will cause major problems. You can't effect anything relating to your local exchange but you can improve things by changing your IP. In another post I gave out the url of an internet speed test which gives the actual speed of your connection and your neighbours. If you are way down the list look at what IP the best performers use and that's a guide to who you should be with.

    3. The state of your computer will affect the performance regardless of your internet service. The often quoted remedy is to delete the browsing history, and this will improve things. However disc defragmentation is also vital to enable your computer to function efficiently. Updating and correcting registry faults is also a fundamental requirement to a 'clean machine' that functions efficiently. To put all this into simple terms, if these things are not done it's akin to looking for a book in a library where there is no proper filing system. If all the books are not in order every action will take dramatically longer.

    Some of these are outwith your control, such as where you are in relation to your exchange. The others can all be remedied by you. Rather than try to explain how to perform all the above on this post, if you are unsure about any item just PM me and I'll try to help.

    ps. I have suggested to the 'suits' that there should be a comprehensive sticky thread on this to enable everyone to optimize their computer. So far I haven't heard back from them.

    elsa (under-cover as woof)
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