Hi , would be interested to hear from others who think that sky poker is not quite as fair as it should be ! Having studied standard deviation and the probability of chance it astounds me how many times a player with three possible outs hits on river card on this site ! To say that this happens on a very regular basis absolutely amazing ...... Would welcome a comment from Sky on this what shall we say ....... improbable statistic ?However i feel that this will not happen !
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What "improbable statistic"?
If you would like to offer some statistics of your observations over a reasonable sample size, I'd be happy to comment.
Who exactly benefits from these supposed improbable statistics?
I have also noticed that there is a positive correlation between likelihood of moaning about the RNG on the forum, and the number of buy-ins lost in your most recent session. Just sayin'...
Your point is on rather shaky ground when you complain about the frequency of something happening but do not detail the frequency of it happening.
Although I may feel like sticking a blunt pencil in my eye when I see some rivers... it doesn't "astound me how many times a player with three possible outs hits on river card on this site".
Frustrating yes but it seems, to me at least, to happen with roughly statistically probable frequency.
1. Sky risks its entire gaming business in order to take your £5 and give it to someone else; or
2. You are deluded
Tough call...
"feel" probably means that you need to study more.
This is why he's getting the responses he's getting, and rightly so.
He's not new, 2012 only to the Forum so he should be wise to the beats, why has he taken this long to speak out there's no need to ridicule him he may not have seen all the other posts on this subject. We have lost to many players already please don't add another one by being bitchy.