Hey guys just after sum opinions please! I was playing a £2.20 dym earlier today and got dealt aces in the first hand in the Big blind. Everybody folded round to the SB who limped to try see a flop. I raised to 80 and he then re raised me to 250, I then re raised again to 550 and he thought for a a few moments and then shipped it!! I called, he had QQ and hit a Q on the flop and knocked me out in the first hand!! Did i do wrong by putting all my chips in the middle in the first hand of a tournament that essentially is about survival?
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It was the perfect coup for you. If you are not gonna accept an invitation to get it all in when you are an 80/20 favourite, then you never will.
perfectly played, imo. i would like that first hand in every game. i would like my opponent to play the same too.
You're a massive favorite and 80% of the time will have twice the starting stack after one hand and are probably then a strong favorite to cash (someone can probably do the maths). Played itself and you did nothing wrong.
If you fold or consider folding here then give the game up.