would it be possible for sky to introduce them? used to play them years ago [5 levels] gives players a chance to win £400/£500 starting from a small buy in,and gives the lower buy in sit and go players a chance to play at a higher buy in level.
it also means there would be more games available for the higher buy in players,as you can enter them at any level.
cant remember exactly the payout structure,you got good value for money out of them,as each level if you never won a ticket to the next level the 2nd and sometimes 3rd place finishers would get a ticket to play that level again, think the final level ended up £500 for 1st £300 for 2nd £200 for 3rd, the levels were all played 5 handed,so would prob be even bigger payouts on 6 handed levels.
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I doubt it would be possible with the current software, but I'm sure it could be considered for the new platform, which is currently a work-in-progress.
By the bye, loved that expression you used in a recent post - a straightener.
In the excellent book "The Guv'nor", which is the autobiography of the late Lenny Mclean, he often referred to "straighteners".
I'm very friendly with a Gypsy gentleman, too, & he often tells me stories off scores being settled with straighteners. Proper blokes, them.
He was much respected, yes, but definitely a man to keep on the right side of.
I was going to post a You Tube clip of Lenny in Lock, Stock, but the language was a tad too fruity, & I could not find a clip free of profanities.