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why does the big stack always seem to LUCK out?

allibone03allibone03 Member Posts: 99
is it just coincidence that every time i go all in in a tournament the big stack wins regardless of hands. i only ask because twice today ive gone deep in a tourny and this has happened. firstly pocket 10s vpocket 9s 9 on river and just now QJ suited vs 86 and a 6 hits the river. Now i dont want to start another thread accusing sky of being b ent but this happens with regularity on here is this also to be put down as variance as usual? Its just becoming a bit annoying when i seem to sit down for hours in a tourny quite often, playing reasonably good poker only to be mugged on the river everytime im hu against a larger stack.


  • Allan23Allan23 Member Posts: 877
    Another one
  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    Would it surprise you that you were only 66% to win the QJ hand?
    You’ll lose it one in three
  • allibone03allibone03 Member Posts: 99
    yeah granted the QJ hand but it just seems the big stack wins them more often than not and it seems a bit biased that way the 10s over 9s being particularly galling and also the diff between me finishing 8th instead of possibly higher
  • allibone03allibone03 Member Posts: 99
    having said this ive enjoyed playing over the last few days and am trying to roll with the bad beats but in these tournies im sick of losing showdowns at the death to the larger stack.
  • BlackpumaBlackpuma Member Posts: 203
    Hi allibone, Can I ask how many tournaments you have played over the last year ?, I used to think this some 10 yrs ago when I first started playing but as time went by and I began to play more, you begin to understand yes its just variance and variance can swing both ways for long periods of time over many tournaments, All you can do it get it in good and be satisfied the odds were in your favor regardless of the outcome. Good luck and enjoy the game
  • hhyftrftdrhhyftrftdr Member Posts: 8,036
    Thought OP had sacked it off?
  • allibone03allibone03 Member Posts: 99
    mostly freerolls and various small stakes buy ins at the 220/110p levels however ive decided i am now going to play in these only rather than low level cash. I accept its probably variance and will heed your advice cheers blackpuma. Think i just needed an outlet to vent!!! haha
  • BlackpumaBlackpuma Member Posts: 203

    mostly freerolls and various small stakes buy ins at the 220/110p levels however ive decided i am now going to play in these only rather than low level cash. I accept its probably variance and will heed your advice cheers blackpuma. Think i just needed an outlet to vent!!! haha

    Try the £1/2 deepstacks allibone. great value for money and you will get a decent game also a great way to build a bankroll, They are at 2.15pm, 4.15pm and 7.15pm
  • mumsiemumsie Member Posts: 8,365
    Sign up for this comp. @allibone03 , it includes the tournies @Blackpuma mentions.
  • craigcu12craigcu12 Member Posts: 3,963
    edited January 2018
    Allibone, Do you have any positive things that can be said about poker right now? Doing work on my mental game has made me realize how bad it is to think of all the negative parts of poker, your mind will be playing tricks , every loss will be down to bad luck and bad calls, your'll feel your good hands are never getting paid and every exit will be blamed on RNG. What you don't realize is alot of this will be down to bad play by yourself. What you should do is ask yourself, Why did my stack get low?, A tournament is not lost from 1 hand. Sometimes you'll have alot of bad luck ie drawing dead, running into coolers or villian loose calling and hitting his draw but other times you've simply made very poor decisions yourself like poor calling, bad bluffing, playing your strength poor and not protecting your chip stack enough, By doing hand analsis in your spare time start to realise how much of this loss was really down to bad play.
  • allibone03allibone03 Member Posts: 99
    did u not read my comments properly craigcu12?
  • waller02waller02 Member Posts: 9,131
    edited January 2018
    A good player with a big stack will be applying a lot of pressure on the small stacks, particularly in a bounty hunter, and as result will get lucky on occasion.

    I think it just appears that they always hit because they are happy to go to war against a stack that can only cause a flesh wound with a slightly wider range than they would against somebody who could take most of their stack. So suck outs are bound to happen.

    It's just the nature of bounty hunters.
  • allibone03allibone03 Member Posts: 99
    the 10s v 9s wasnt exactly massive stack v tiny stack WALLER02 but i take your point
  • daphne56daphne56 Member Posts: 837
    i think waller used up all his luck for the year after what he done too me last night
  • hhyftrftdrhhyftrftdr Member Posts: 8,036
    daphne56 said:

    i think waller used up all his luck for the year after what he done too me last night

    No wonder he isn't on Facebook.
  • mumsiemumsie Member Posts: 8,365
    daphne56 said:

    i think waller used up all his luck for the year after what he done too me last night

    Oooo, Mrs & Mrs Waller had a good night then.
  • EvilPinguEvilPingu Member Posts: 3,462
    edited January 2018

    is it just coincidence that every time i go all in in a tournament the big stack wins regardless of hands. i only ask because twice today ive gone deep in a tourny and this has happened. firstly pocket 10s vpocket 9s 9 on river and just now QJ suited vs 86 and a 6 hits the river. Now i dont want to start another thread accusing sky of being b ent but this happens with regularity on here is this also to be put down as variance as usual? Its just becoming a bit annoying when i seem to sit down for hours in a tourny quite often, playing reasonably good poker only to be mugged on the river everytime im hu against a larger stack.

    In short, it's generally a combination of two things: 1) Cognitive bias, and 2) Not understanding probabilities, equities etc.

    tl;dr version:

    A lot of people don't understand percentages - People often don't realise just how close something like A7o v T9s is pre-flop, so when their A7o loses they think that the site has screwed them somehow, but in reality it's like 52/48 or so. (I'm sure I've been screwed by those percentages somewhere before... Hmm...)

    If you enter a 200 runner tournament, you're going to get knocked out roughly 199 times out of 200, give or take a negligible amount for being above/below average ability that we can safely disregard for the purpose of this post.

    A decent amount of those 199 times, you'll get knocked out when you have the best hand, especially when a lot of the time we're dealing often with situations that are 60/40, or flips where we have the pocket pair and we're a marginal favourite with the made hand. Some people will consider 22 losing against AK AIPF to be 'losing with the best hand' despite being a marginal underdog equity wise, and get tilted by it, which I always find odd.

    People don't realise, or even consider, just how often they're going to get knocked out of a tournament when they have the best hand pre-flop, but they get tilted when it happens with any regularity. Of course it's going to happen a lot when you get knocked out of nearly every tournament you play at some stage, and the other guy is going to have like 30% against you even when it's AK v AJ or something, and often it's a lot closer than that.

    It's going to be how you get knocked out of a significant number of tournaments, and there's nothing you can do about it - Unless you're getting it in with the worst hand all the time, in which case, you have bigger problems.

    To add to that, there's the cognitive bias I mentioned earlier - Does it hurt you more if you realise you lost £5, than it makes you feel good if you find £5?

    Likewise, your brain will write off the times you win with QJ against AT AIPF, and remember the times that their AK lost to KQ AIPF, for instance. For that reason, your brain will not give you a fair assessment of luck. If any poker player out there tells you they always run bad, or some variation of that, then they're probably wrong, but they do likely perceive that as being the truth.

    People have tried all sorts of things - I've seen diaries of people logging any flips pre along with the result in an attempt to (dis)prove any thoughts about the fairness of a site. However, this is flawed in the same way - People doing that forget to log wins, and remember to track losses. So not only is it a total waste of time and energy, it isn't even producing a reliable result. It doesn't stop people doing it, then pointing to their results and saying "Hey I lost when I was favourite 70% of the time so your site is rigged", but their result is meaningless because of unconscious biases.

    Ultimately, the only solution is to just grind through it and try to ignore it as best as you possibly can. I know that's unhelpful advice in a way - It's a bit like when you tell someone to calm down and it just makes them more angry.

    It's not easy to ignore variance (I would argue that nobody can completely, I certainly can't), but it's particularly hard for players who play small amounts of MTTs because they might take weeks or even months to win something significant due to lower volume. However, running bad is something that does effect every single Poker player out there at one point or another, even if it feels every dealer and RNG in the world is against you at times.

    The only thing you can do is work to improve your own game, so that you're in a position to benefit from good luck more often. You make your own luck, in that sense.
  • waller02waller02 Member Posts: 9,131
    daphne56 said:

    i think waller used up all his luck for the year after what he done too me last night

    And you were the big stack
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