Hello all,
I have played on sky for some time now and it seems that when I am in a MTT tournament and doing well I seem to be 'balanced' on a new table with other big stacks!
On many occasions this week I have been doing well in a tournament, for example, 5/150 @ blinds 100/200. Then I knock someone out and end up on a table with stacks 1st, 2nd and 4th, so 4 out of 5 big stacks are on the same table?!?
Just wondering what table balancing actually means and also whether anyone else in the community has experienced similar circumstances.
I thought a ideal balanced table would be a few average stacks, followed by a couple above and a couple below average?
Please let me know.
Kind regards,
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@K0BAYASHl spoken like a true cash game player
As @MattBates said, "table balancing" does not in any way refer to stack sizes, it's just keeping, as far as possible, the same number of players on each table.
Landing on a table full of big/small stacks, hotpots/roflers, players with 10/zero bounties is just the rub of the green, exactly the same as your starting table is rub of the green, you get good ones, bad ones & so-so ones.
I have no idea exactly how the algorithm that takes care of table balancing works, but I can guarantee that stack sizes is not in the equation.
UTG would go to the next table with a higher number (or table 1 if they were the highest number table) that needed balancing and take the first free seat closest to the BB, UTG+1 would then go to the 2nd highest table and take the first free seat.
Initial table allocations and seat numbers were random, and the reallocation to a new table was random by virtue of where the button was when the table was rebalanced.
I would hope that online rooms do somthing similar