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Tough spot

Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
I railed the final table of the Road to Manchester sat last night.

It was a good one.
There was the awesome poker player, @IrishRose.
There was the awesome writer, @Duesenberg.
There was the awesomely helpful, @KOBAYASHI.
There were two other players who seemed awesome
There was also @LmfaoAllin.

It got to heads up between Lmfaollin and Kobayashi.

That’s when it became awkward. Kobayashi disconnected. We’ve all seen this happen before and the discoed player loses very quickly as the other guy mashes the raise button and takes it down,
This was different as James tried everything he could to slow things down to give Kobayashi time to reconnect.
He limped in and timed down and checked through the streets.
With no sign of Kobayashi returning and the next blind level meaning that there would be 12 bigs in play in total he reluctantly ended the game.

Congrats to James on getting his seat and an even bigger congrats on showing his class.
Commiserations to Kobayshi. Maybe 2nd place money can help him get a better internet!


  • ImplicityyImplicityy Member Posts: 65
    True gent @LmfaoAllin although if I had been the one disconnected, I wouldn't blame anyone for blinding me out because things like this are out of our control and just very unfortunate. Huge props to giving your opponent a reasonable amount of time to reconnect *Thumbs up*
  • DuesenbergDuesenberg Member Posts: 1,750
    It was fun to be a part of this although I certainly wouldn't have minded a softer line-up!

    I can confirm that poor Kobayashi's problem stemmed from the fact that he was playing from his phone and the vagaries of mobile internet.

    Many congrats to @LmfaoAllin for the win and, as Jac rightly pointed out, massive respect for showing true class when poor Kobay was stuck sitting out.

  • SR23SR23 Member Posts: 1,228
    Classy, heartening stuff - wpwp.
  • K0BAYASHlK0BAYASHl Member Posts: 2,029
    edited February 2018
    Was going to message him when I saw him playing to say thankyou, but here seems a good place to do it now. I will probably still message him in game if he doesn’t see here.

    I had a good run in the freeroll, things looked shaky when I was chip leader by quite a way when my KK ran into irishrose AK, to river a straight, left me in 6th out of 18 odd I think still.

    Connection wasn’t too bad untill HU, I did have a 2:1 chip lead, but then got DC. I wouldn’t have minded James blinding me out but also very thankful that he took the time steal chips fast.

    I couldn’t see chat from the last 30 players odd, but I swear he said I could have 5% of his winnings at the event for better internet.

    Well played everyone was a fun final table, shame I was on phone or I would have had a good chat in lobby.
  • rainman215rainman215 Member Posts: 1,186
    Top class behaviour, dont know if i would of done the same .
    All the best.
  • EnutEnut Member Posts: 3,671
    I railed this and agree James was a true gent, very unlucky Kobayashi, how much will the new phone cost?
    There was some debate about whether you disco'd deliberately as maybe you couldn't make Manchester but the fact that you managed to get back online a couple of times proved that you didn't.
  • pomfrittespomfrittes Member Posts: 2,981
    Hey, Jim. You De Man
  • LmfaoAllinLmfaoAllin Member Posts: 1,213
    edited February 2018
    Cheers for the kind words Jac, and all.

    Only did it coz of the rail and my good guy image, if yous weren't there would have had RSI from my raise button.

    Ul KOBA

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