I became aware today of this years UK Poker Championship - thru a certain video of Jake Cody and a roulette table - and it had me wondering the story behind its change of sponser because I thought the event was a Sky Poke invention. (A article here states it too:
https://www.campaignlive.co.uk/sky-poker-launch-uk-poker-championship-2014/{subjects}/article/1218927). Anybody any ideas?
Yes, the Jake Cody video was "interesting" on several levels......
The UKPC was sponsored by Sky Poker for a few years, but Rob Yong, who owns DTD, always owned the domain name and the rights to stage it at DTD.
As it turned out, his ties with Party became very strong, as he struck some deals with them culminating in their current partnership.
Rob and I go back pre-DTD on both a personal and poker basis, we are close friends, and he was happy to allow Sky Poker to continue to sponsor the UKPC. However, the club was by now branded floor to ceiling in Party promo material and banners, think even the loo rolls were Party branded, so it became a bit awkward, for all three of us equally (DTD, Party and Sky).
So we called it a draw, and all moved on.
I continue to wish Rob and DTD every success. The whole DTD story is utterly fascinating, there have been some real challenges, but he seems to have achieved his dream, so good luck to him.
I could almost write a book about how DTD came into being, and the challenges and court battles he faced, but maybe that's another story for another day.
Yep, I agree the success of DTD, especially as a rare independent, really is a great thing.
YW, @Epoker
....and there was me thinking I was a 'Spring Chicken'
BLACK ORCHID was a great nightclub, had some fantastic nights in there with a few of the Forest Lads........ though taxi back to Sheffield was a bit pricey!
I wondered what had happened to it.
It was run by James, who used to play at DTD & fancied himself as a decent player, but he was a full-on roffler.
This be James, full name James EftekHari.