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It couldn't happen On Line !

memfnomemfno Member Posts: 461
As there is, with regular irregularity, threads posted on this site about the outrageous run outs experienced on line, as some kind of proof that its all rigged, I thought maybe, as a proactive antidote to such threads, we could post our outrageous on line run outs just to show poker is the same the world over.

So as a starter, this weekend at the £30 saturday comp at Bolton, I suffered the following:
30 K starting stack
blinds 75/150
10 handed
I wake up in the small blind with A-hearts 4-hearts.
Mid position frisky player who has already lost 8k of his stack through questionable play, collects all his small denomination chips and throws them into the middle for a raise of 875.
Folds to me i call as does BB
flop comes 844 rainbow
I check, BB checks, original raiser announces all in.
I ask for a count. Not because i'm not calling, but because i think i might encourage the BB in as well.
Its 21K
I go all in.
BB folds
Raiser turns over 66.
Turn 8
River 8

Such is poker !



  • memfnomemfno Member Posts: 461
    Sorry, obviously i meant post our outrageous LIVE run outs.
    Doh, immediate fail !
  • cottladcottlad Member Posts: 439
    edited March 2018
    Once saw a hand in a live tourney 99 v A3
    Flop 99A - It somehow all goes in.
    T: A
    R: A
  • craigcu12craigcu12 Member Posts: 3,963
    edited March 2018
    I inflicted a bad beat the last SPT.
    Did an accidental over bet on turn and calls the shove made by opponent as a gutshot. Low and behold I hit the straight on the riv
  • gixxerk4gixxerk4 Member Posts: 225
    Bit like Cottlads post but much worse lol.
    Happened in a deep stack event in the venetian vegas.
    To set a bit of context there was an extremely obnoxious and extremely drunk guy came to my table with a massive stack and proceeded to try and run over the table and he was running like god and throwing chips in without counting them generally getting everbodys back up
    On the hand concerned he raised about 10 times the bb and the small blind called.
    The flop came A A 10 small blind checked and he threw in a large handful of chips enough to put the small blind all in.
    He insta called and turned over 10 10 .
    Turn and river were wait for it A A
    And mister drunk guys hand JACK 3 offsuit

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